UAC Members

2024-2025 Members

Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies (1)
   unfilled position  

College of Education & Community Innovation (2)
   Raymond Higbea, Comm Leader & Devel (23-26)
   Wei Gu, Teaching & Learning (24-27)

College of Health Professions (2)
   Libby MacQuillan, Allied Health Sciences (24-27)
   Martina Reinhold, Physician Assistant Studies (22-25)

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (11)
   Dan Adrian, Statistics (23-25)
   Richard Besel, Communications (23-26)
   Charles Ham, Classics (23-26)
   Jon Hasenbank, Mathematics (23-26)
   Julie Henderleiter, Chemistry (24-27) (Chair)
   Zsuzsanna Palmer, Writing (23-26)
   Christine Smith, Psychology (22-25)
   unfilled position
  unfilled position
  unfilled position
  unfilled position

Kirkhof College of Nursing (1)
   Julie Bekius, College of Nursing (24-27)

Padnos College of Engineering and Computing (2)
Nabeeh Kandalaft, School of Engineering (22-25)
  Greg Schymik, Computing & Info Systems (22-25)

Seidman College of Business (2)
   Suzeanne Benet, Marketing (24-26)  
   Joe Little, Marketing (24-27)

 Service Unit Representatives (6)
   Colleen Bailey, Housing & Res. Life (23-26)
   Susan Mendoza, CUSE (24-27)
   Mike Messner, Director SSP, SASC (24-27)
   unfilled position
   unfilled position
   unfilled position

University Libraries Representative (1)
   unfilled position

Student Senate Representatives (2) (1-year terms)
   Undergraduate:  TBD
   Graduate:  TBD

Ex Officio (Office of the Provost):
   Sean Lancaster, AVP for SPAA
   Phuong Vo, Assessment and Accreditation Specialist
   Cathy Wilson, Graduate Assistant

...roster last updated 5/16/2024

The faculty handbook outlines the UAC membership as follows: 

  • Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the UAC consists of eleven faculty members from CLAS, two each from the Seidman College of Business, the College of Community and Public Service, the College of Education, the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, and the College of Health Professions; and one each from the Kirkhof College of Nursing, the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, and the University Libraries. Academic and service unit representatives serve three-year staggered terms beginning at the end of the winter semester. 
  • Service unit Membership*:  Service unit membership of the UAC consists of six representatives with at least one representative from each of two areas:  Advising and Student Services. Representatives will be appointed by the Provost.Service unit representatives serve three-year staggered terms beginning fall semester.
  • Student Membership:  One undergraduate and one graduate student representative selected by the Student Senate for a term of one year.
  • Administrative Membership:  The Provost or designee ex officio, non-voting

*service unit representatives are appointed to serve as the primary reviewer of reports submitted by service units.

Page last modified July 11, 2024