Glossary of Terms
Appointing officer - individual responsible for personnel and program decisions.
Assessment - the process of seeking, evaluating, reflecting upon data, and making changes in order to foster continuous improvement. Assessment generally means "measurement," but also refers to a systematic cycle of collecting and reviewing information about strategic planning or student outcomes. The complete cycle involves: clearly stating expected outcomes, offering learning/student experiences or engaging in an activity/intervention, measuring the extent to which expected outcomes have been achieved, and using the evidence collected to improve teaching/learning, programs, or processes.
Assessment Plan - generally refers to an outline of data collection and analysis procedures; typically refers to student outcomes assessment. May also be used in reference to strategic planning for Colleges.
- For student outcomes assessment, the assessment plan consists of: the student outcomes that will be assessed, a curriculum map (academic programs), and an assessment calendar.
- For strategic planning assessment, the College level assessment plan describes the measurable objectives and metrics that will be used to evaluate progress toward achieving strategic plan outcomes, including an implementation timeline.
Assessment report - the formal report on student outcomes submitted for review by administrators and the University Assessment Committee (UAC); now replaced by data reporting on each Measures in GVAssess.
Badges - a record of achievement that recognizes a student's completion of a coherent and meaningful academic experience. GVSU offers both credit and noncredit-bearing badges as digital credentials. Credit-bearing badges include anywhere from 0.5 to 15 academic credits and may include additional noncredit criteria. Credit-bearing badges are also posted to the academic transcript.
- Badges may be embedded into programs
- Badges may be stand-alone, in which the courses used in the badge are not part of other programs, emphases, majors, minors, or certificates.
Baseline - describes the status of each objective, as measured by the selected metric, when the plan is first launched and before any new strategies or actions are deployed. Thereafter, specific results achieved during the period of plan implementation are compared with the baseline to determine the direction and extent of changes. Baselines may be defined in terms of an average status (or mean) over time or in terms of other measures.
Certificate - A certificate is a record of achievement that recognizes a student's completion of a coherent and meaningful academic experience. A certificate includes anywhere from nine to 18 academic credits and is posted to the academic transcript. Certificates may be embedded within majors or stand-alone.
Closing the Loop - refers to the process of studying the assessment findings, determining suggested improvements/actions that need to be implemented, taking action to remedy the issue, and re-assessing to determine the impact of the action. When adding new reporting, programs are prompted to describe any prior recommended actions from previous assessment results that informed the assessment of the outcome.
Co-curricular - programs and initiatives that enhance student learning inside and outside the classroom; these programs and initiatives are designed with specific outcomes.
Concentration - a subset of courses within a major designed to focus on a specific content area. Appears as an official designation on the transcript (see Emphasis).
Curriculum Map - a matrix representation of a program's learning outcomes that shows where they are taught/experienced, and to what extent they are taught/experienced, within the program.
Emphasis - a subset of courses within a major designed to focus on a specific content area. Appears as an official designation on the transcript (see Concentration).
Evaluation - generally refers to a product-oriented, comparative, or prescriptive process aimed at making an informed judgment about the extent to which a program/unit is achieving its intended outcomes and/or the quality or worth of a program. While evaluation may include assessment of student learning, its broader scope may also take additional factors, such as faculty or program/unit outcomes, into consideration.
Measure - an assessment instrument or metric together with process details (e.g., assessment location, timeline, threshold, target, baseline) used to assess the status of a stated objective. See the measures grab bag page for examples. (video explanation)
- Direct measure - an assessment based on an evaluation of an observable performance (e.g., written exams, term papers, presentations, recitals, field evaluations, etc.).
- Indirect measure - an assessment based on secondary sources such as self-report or perceptions of learning (e.g., alumni surveys, focus group interviews, satisfaction surveys, etc.).
Outcomes - describe the end-result of a credential, program, activity, or service.
- Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), used for academic programs, define the fundamental competencies that students should know or be able to demonstrate upon completion of a credential (major, emphasis, certificate program, etc.). Example: Students can write appropriate documents for the discipline.
- Student Centered Outcomes (SCOs), used for co-curricular programs and strategic plans, are the measurable outcomes arising from intentionally designed activities, programs, and services that foster and support student success outside of the classroom environment. Example: Students will have multiple means for accessing career planning information.
- Student Outcome is the general term used to refer to both SLOs and SCOs.
Performance indicators - quantitative measures of overall student performance.
Reliability - the consistency of an instrument, either between raters (inter-rater reliability) or across multiple evaluations by the same rater (intra-rater reliability).
Rubric - a guide that explicitly states the criteria and standards for assessing an objective. The traits are separately named, and each trait is evaluated from high to low, including descriptions of each level of rating.
Self Study - the formal reporting focusing on unit function and performance: a snapshot of where your program is right now.
Stand-alone minor - a minor that does not have a corresponding major.
Strategic Plan - future plan: vision, mission, values, goals, objectives, measures, timeline, responsible party.
Target - the desired or aspirational level of performance or achievement.
Threshold - the minimum acceptable level for a measure.
Unit - smallest academic organization recognized by university budgeting.
Validity - the extent to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure; see the UAC statement on course grades.