Resources and Support

Single Outcome Examples of Assessment Plans for Academic and Service Units

Academic Unit Assessment Plan Example

XYZ Major
SLO 1:  Students graduating with a degree in XYZ will accurately and clearly communicate XYZ concepts orally.






XYZ 202


XYZ 202

XYZ 401

XYZ 401

XYZ 401

XYZ 401


XYZ 492


XYZ 492

NOTES:   Unit will collect assessment data in XYZ 301 to monitor how reinforcements are working in an intermediate level course. Unit will use this assessment data internally, as formative assessment only. Unit has rubrics for each course, rubrics have common components so that growth can be demonstrated across the course sequence. Unit is discussing how presentations done outside of classes might be assessed, valuable as a High Impact Practice (HIP).

Service Unit Assessment Plan Example

ABC Program
SCO1:  Students completing programs through ABC will better understand how DEF provides resources and support.

Beginning Fall 2024

Beginning Fall 2025

DEF workshops 1

DEF workshops 2

DEF workshops 1

DEF workshops 2

NOTES:  Unit has pre- post- surveys to assess student understanding of DEF before and after participating in workshops. An annual reporting schedule will best allow the ABC program to collect and analyze data, based on the multiple times across the calendar year when DEF workshops are offered. Survey results from every DEF workshop will be collected and analyzed annually to look for trends and determine ways to improve support for students.

Assessment Resources

Templates - for offline planning (Under Revision)

Assessment Calendar Example

Assessment Calendar
(SLO+Objectives) x (Course | Semester)

SAIL Curriculum Mapping

SAIL Curriculum Mapping Template
Course x SLO x (Status | Type)

  • Download Template (Excel)
  • Example: Nursing (PDF)

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GVAssess Tip

Manage your labels. Outcomes into GVAssess are displayed for the entire department to allow ‘sharing’ among the degree programs. Because Outcomes are sorted alphabetically by the "Student Outcome Label" in GVAssess, you can use prefix codes to keep related outcomes clustered together throughout the site.

Example 1: Mathematics uses codes to group outcomes by program: Outcomes A, B, C, and D are general, but ELE-A, ELE-B, SEC-A, and SEC-B are unique to the elementary (ELE) and secondary (SEC) education emphases. 

Example 2: Movement Science uses codes to group by skill-type: Outcomes A-AT and A-SC relate to collaboration (A), while B-AT, B-CES, B-ES, and B-HFI all relate to critical thinking (B).

Page last modified July 11, 2024