What's New in the CMS

Permanent link for Form URL Redirects on February 4, 2020

Now in the Form Builder, you can redirect existing Form Builder forms to different pages on your website. What does that mean!? Imagine one of these scenarios.

You have created a form, and have hyperlinked that form in an e-mail.  That e-mail is then sent to hundreds of people. Then you realize that you linked to the wrong form. 


Someone has saved the URL of the form in an e-mail, bookmark, or from an old social media posting. It might be a year later before that form is accessed again. That form is old and outdated.

You can now enter a redirect URL. If you enter a redirect URL, anytime someone accesses that form it will redirect them to whatever page you specify. 


Categories: How To New Feature
Posted by Zach McCurdy on Permanent link for Form URL Redirects on February 4, 2020.

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Page last modified February 4, 2020