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x remove Finance, B.B.A.
Credits Required
Face To Face

All undergraduate students begin their academic career on the Allendale Campus. Students in this major continue their upper division studies downtown on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus.

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Aside from the business core, students study a variety of topics, including:

  • Valuation
  • Investments
  • Derivatives
  • Banking
  • Financial modeling
  • Insurance
  • International finance
  • Portfolio management
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Career Options

This program is designed to provide careers in:

  • Corporate finance
  • Financial institutions
  • Investments
  • Financial planning
  • Valuation
  • Private equity

The center provides students with experiential learning opportunities utilizing databases, such as WRDS (including CRSP and Capital IQ), and application-based exercises.

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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want

The B.B.A. in Finance at GVSU will develop the skills you need to land the job you want. Whether the skills are advanced or general, you will build a resume of qualifications that are sure to attract employers. The following skills correlate with those pulled from actual finance job postings.

  • Accounting
  • Financial Statements
  • Forecasting
  • Loans
  • Auditing
  • Budgeting
  • Financial Analysis
  • Investments
  • Financial Services
  • Financial Planning

Source: EMSI, 2020

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