Alumni Engagement Grant

Grand Valley State University Alumni Relations created the Alumni Engagement Grant as a mechanism to further the alumni mission and support alumni leaders in their effort to engage and connect with Grand Valley State University alumni. Alumni Relations will award funds, at its discretion, for the purpose of supporting engagement events and programs organized by campus partners and alumni volunteers.

The purpose of the Alumni Engagement Grant is to allow Alumni Networks, Campus Partners and groups of alumni to enhance programming and reach more GVSU alumni who are coming together over a shared interest, identity, or geographical area. 


  • Eligibility: Applicant(s) must be a Grand Valley State University Alumni Network, Campus Partner or alumni.
  • The amount awarded to each group will be based on funding availability and the number of proposals received during each grant cycle. Proposals are not guaranteed to receive an award. A maximum award per project is $1000. Alumni Relations will not underwrite the full cost of your event. Additional funding avenues are required. 
  • Funds are intended to cover program expenses as specified in your proposal. Unused funds cannot be used for another program or expenses unrelated to the approved proposal. 


  • Grant applications are open on a rolling basis
  • Grants will be reviewed and awarded 4 times per calendar year
  • Funds may be requested up to one year in advance of the use date

For grant requests received during

Grants will be awarded on

 June 1 - July 31

September 1

 August 1 - October 31

December 1

November 1 - January 31

March 1

February 1 - May 31

June 1


  • Grant recipients are required to file an Impact Report within 30 days of activity.
  • The Impact Report must include an event summary, participant list, final budget, receipts (if applicable) and event photos. 


Groups of alumni, campus partners or departments, and/or Alumni Networks.

No, we do not guarantee that all applications will receive grant funding. We have limited resources that we need to allocate equitably across all constituents.

No, our expectation is that you provide the best estimate on your project timeline.

The budget outline should be a best estimate of projected expenses. When making budget projections consider that the amount awarded will be the maximum amount in which we are able to reimburse. 

Reimbursing for expenses allows for the budget outline to be an estimate of projected expenses rather than exact costs. We anticipate in the planning process there may be some minor adjustments or changes.

GVSU’s expense policy requires proof of expense payment and an itemization of who the expenses were for before reimbursement can be made.

The grant does not cover the full cost of events. Additional funding avenues should be used to offset remaining program expenses (i.e. departmental funding, sponsorships, and/or ticket price). 

Recent awards have been in the range of $10-15 per alumni in attendance or 50% of the total budget for non-event projects. 

We recommend charging a registration fee to offset remaining costs and encourage higher attendance rates.

At events with a regularly engaged audience, we see an average attendance of 9%. We find first-time events are on the lower end of this range (2%) and those with very established audiences on the higher end (40%). 

Program time, date, location, and price impact attendance. When planning a program/event it is important to give consideration to what would best suit your audience.

Your project should clearly convey how it supports the stated mission of your Alumni Network (if applicable) and/or Alumni Relations' mission of connecting, informing, engaging, and supporting alumni throughout every stage of their life and career. View rubric

Alumni Engagement Grant Awardees

  • 10 Years of Black Excellence
    • A Homecoming weekend celebration for Black Alumni who graduated in 2013. Events included a tailgate, meet-up at Post Family Farms, celebration at the Alumni House, and brunch.
    • Awarded $680
    • 16 alumni participated
  • Laker Marching Band Homecoming
    • Alumni of the Laker Marching Band (LMB) were invited to participate at the Homecoming football game during pregame and halftime performances. Alumni arrived for check in prior to morning rehearsal, participated in morning rehearsal with the LMB, and then the alumni had a luncheon prior to call time. At call time, the alumni formed a parade block in front of the LMB and marched to Lubbers Stadium. In addition to the pregame and halftime performances, we joined the LMB in the stands during the game.
    • Awarded $750
    • 94 alumni participated
Winter 2024 Grant Awardees

GV DC Alumni Social and Keynote

  • On January 11, 2024, DC Alumni gathered at Steve Carey's Townhouse to listen to a presentation from John Beyrle '75, President Obama's former Ambassador to Russia
  • Awarded $500
  • 26 alumni participants

Film & Video Alumni Gathering in L.A. 

  • On March 5, 2024, Film & Video and Illustration Alumni gathered at B.J.'s Restaurant and Brewhouse in Burbank, CA to reconnect with fellow alumni and meet current GVSU students.
  • Awarded $1,000
  • 30 alumni participants

GVSU MPH Alumni Event

  • On March 8, 2024, Public Health Alumni gathered at the Raleigh Finkelstein Hall building to highlight the teaching and learning spaces that opened in 2018. 
  • Awarded $1,000
  • 10 alumni participants

GVSU Master of Athletic Training Alumni and Friends Gathering

  • On March 15, 2024, alumni gathered at the Annual Regional Athletic Trainers GLATA Conference. 
  • Awarded $603
  • 19 alumni participants 

Film & Video Alumni Network Podcast

  • The Film & Video Alumni Network creates educational resources such as a podcast and newsletters, to serve the alumni and student community. 
  • Awarded $762
  • 250 alumni participants

GVSU Denver Alumni Network Happy Hour

  • On May 10, 2024, Denver Alumni gathered at the ViewHouse Ballpark for drinks and appetizers. 
  • Awarded $1,000
  • 20 alumni participants

Page last modified April 29, 2024