Current Peer Educators

Our Peer Educators Aim To:

  • Promote awareness and empower students to make safe, smart, and responsible choices regarding substance use
  • Introduce and connect students to Alcohol & Other Drugs Service
  • Provide education about alcohol and other drugs and how substance use impacts well-being
  • Serve as student leaders on campus

Richard Dolnik

Richard Dolnik (he/him)

Richard Dolnik is a sophomore studying Spanish Education and International Relations. He hopes to become a foreign service officer or a Spanish teacher in the future. Richard is member of the Laker Marching Band color guard, winter guard, a Senator for GVSU's Student Senate, and a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Richard became a Peer Educator to use his voice on campus to educate other students about the risks of alcohol and other drugs, and how to manage those risks. In his free time, Richard can usually be found either in the Rec Center or listening to The Weeknd, sometimes even both at once!

Lauren Hayden (she/her)

Lauren Hayden is a senior at GVSU pursuing a major in Psychology with double minors in Sociology and Statistics. This is Lauren's first year as an AOD Peer Educator, a role through which she looks forward to learning about and promoting safe substance use practices. She views this topic as particularly crucial in the high-stress college environment, which many students see as a time for experimentation. Beyond her daily responsibilities, Lauren enjoys reading and gardening, with her favorite reading spot on campus being the Kirkhof Lawn.

Lauren Hayden

Regina Lavalle

Regina Lavalle (she/her)

Regina is a sophomore at GVSU studying Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience. In the future, she plans to work as a clinical psychologist. This is Regina's first year as a Peer Educator and she's really excited to be a part of Alcohol & Other Drugs Services programming and support! In her free time, Regina also enjoys reading, cats, and hanging out with friends!

Onyx McCormick (they/them)

Onyx McCormick is a Freshmen at GVSU this year majoring in Psychology. This is their first year as a Peer Educator and they are really excited for what the year has in store! Outside of being a Peer Educator, in their free time they a member of the Psychology Club and SIGIL Art Club. Onyx is very excited to work at AOD!

Onyx McCormick

Mallory Wallace

Mallory Wallace (she/her)

Mallory Wallace is a junior at GVSU studying Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Applied Statistics. She aspires to go to graduate school to study Social Work. She wants to become a therapist that helps both neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ populations. She is a member of multiple student organizations including Mario Kart Club and STAGE. This is her first year as a Peer Educator for AOD and she is excited to learn leadership skills and become involved in topics regarding well-being. Mallory loves video games, yoga, musical theater (or just music in general), coloring books, and laughing at memes and life's chaotic silliness.

Page last modified September 19, 2024