Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Open Speaker Meeting
Date and Time
Sunday, October 13, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
GVA Community Building
10330 42nd Avenue, Allendale Charter Township, MI
AA Open Speaker Meetings are open to all! These meetings are a great way to learn about what AA is, what it does, and what it does not do, too. During these meetings, a member of AA will share their story by describing their experiences with alcohol, how they became involved with AA, and how their lives have changed as a result. Join us to learn more!
This event also appears on the main events calendar tagged as aod, dsa, mentalhealth, prevention, recovery, ucc, and wellness.
For more information, please visit: Recovery Meetings at GVSU
Alcohol & Other Drugs Services
(616) 331-2537
This event also occurs on 11/10/24, 12/8/24, 1/12/25, 2/9/25, 3/9/25 and 4/13/25