Program News

GV MAT Students Present at GLATA '24

GV MAT Students Present at GLATA '24

The following presented at the GLATA Annual Conference 2024:

Lacey Jajko was mentored by Shari Bartz-Smith PhD, AT, ATC. Lacey will be doing a Free Communication Poster Presentation titled “Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Elbow in a High School Football Player: A Case Report”. 

Austyn Kraft was mentored by Shari Bartz-Smith PhD, AT, ATC. Austyn will be doing a Free Communication Poster titled "Medial Patella Femoral Ligament Tear with a Lateral Patella Dislocation: Level 4 Rare Events Case Study"

Jessica Padilla was mentored by Shari Bartz-Smith PhD, AT, ATC. Jessica will be doing a Free Communication Poster Presentation titled “UCL Acute Injury in a 16-year-old High School Football Player: Level 4 Rare Events CASE Study”. 

Ashley Stroop was mentored by Shari Bartz-Smith PhD, AT, ATC. Ashley will be doing a Free Communication Poster Presentation and Oral Presentation titled "Avascular Necrosis of Bilateral Distal Femurs and Proximal Tibias in a 16-year-old Male: Level 4 Rare Events CASE Study".

Valerie Vandertol was mentored by Shari Bartz-Smith PhD, AT, ATC. Valerie will be doing a Free Communication Poster Presentation titled "Transverse Fibular Stress Fracture in 17-year-old Male Football Player: Level 4 Rare Events CASE Study".

Anja Whitehouse was mentored by Shari Bartz-Smith PhD, AT, ATC. Anja will be doing a Free Communication Poster Presentation titled "Scapular Spine Fracture in a Seventeen-Year-Old Female Basketball Player: Level 4 Rare Events CASE Study".  

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Page last modified August 28, 2024