RCN Contact List
RCN Contact List
Branch, Calhoun, Hillsdale, Jackson, Lenawee, Monroe, and Eaton
Monroe County:
- Kelly Keyes, [email protected], (734) 342-8540
- Jenny Ford, [email protected], (734) 342-8591
- Jennifer Chesman, [email protected], (734) 342-8591
- Amy Hammons, [email protected], (734) 342-8590
- Laurel Rosen-Weatherford, [email protected], (734) 342-8591
- Whitney Steyer, [email protected], (734) 242-5799 ext 4182
Branch County:
- Steffany McConn, [email protected]
- Charlene Fincham, [email protected]
- Kristi Bronstetter, [email protected]
- Calhoun County: Nicole McGrath, [email protected], (269) 270-4040
Jackson County:
- Amanda Moyer, [email protected], (517) 795-8787
- Amy Rogers, [email protected], (517) 416-0460
- Lenawee County: Gina Sanderson, [email protected], (419) 343-1881
Hillsdale County:
- Danette Boardman, [email protected]
Eaton County:
- Donna Goyette, [email protected], (517) 541-8779
- Lindsey Grostefon, [email protected], (517) 541-8756
Peer to Peer Contacts
- Gina Sanderson, [email protected], (419) 343-1881
Monroe County:
- Amy Hammons, [email protected], (734) 342-8591
- Sophia Rieman, [email protected], (734) 342-8591
- Stacey Reaume, [email protected], (734) 342-8591
- Laurel Rosen-Weatherford, [email protected], (734) 342-8591
- Collaborating ISDs: Branch ISD, Calhoun ISD, Hillsdale County ISD, Jackson County ISD, Lenawee ISD, Monroe County ISD, and Eaton RESA
START RCN Representatives
- Lisonn Delcamp, [email protected]
- Lindsey Harr-Smith, [email protected]