Alumni Spotlights


Keara Anderson '20

My favorite GV memory is all the late nights spent doing homework in Kennedy with my friends - especially when pizza was involved!

Rachel Salinas '10

My most foundational experience at GVSU was participating in multiple research projects with faculty and peers.

Kristina Green '12

My favorite GVSU memory was when I was named the West Michigan Public Relations Society of America's 'PR Student of the Year.

Hadley Bowman '18

My favorite Grand Valley memory is our Toast with THaas!

Gloire Rubambiza '18

One of my favorite GV memories is the bus trip from Michigan to the Undergraduate McNair Scholars conference in Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY.

Jake Hall '13

My favorite memory at Grand Valley was working with the School of Engineering and College of Business.

Matthew Shan '21

My favorite GV memory was when three other GVSU students and I went to CalvinHacks and won third place with a Chrome clickbait detector.

Monique Harris '01

My favorite GV memory was participating in a program called The Institute for Healing Racism.

Kasey Wesley '20

I have so many great memories from the OSH program. I built strong relationships with the students and professors.

Susan Howard '10 & '15

Between my undergrad classes, graduate classes, and interactions with faculty and staff campus-wide, I developed countless friendships and working relationships that I will always be grateful for.

Page last modified June 8, 2024