Alumni Spotlights


Rebecca Woronko '10

My first football game as a student was so much fun! The buzz and excitement in the student section was something to behold and it was empowering!

Emily Rienks '21

My favorite Grand Valley memories are being down on the sideline for Laker football games cheering the team on for many Grand Valley Victories. Watching football from anywhere but the sideline will never be the same!

Julie Stivers '72

Exploring the ravines.

Jesse Schmitt '22

Some of my favorite memories come from my time running GrandPR, GVSU's student-run communications firm. It was both challenging and rewarding, and I met many of my closest friends because of it.

Adam Clarke '09

My favorite memory while attending Grand Valley happened when I was a part of the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization. As a member, we had the opportunity to attend the chapter conference in Chicago.

Madison Brooks '18

In 2017 I was on my sorority's executive board, Alpha Sigma Tau. I have always loved participating in sorority event coordination, helping train new members, and volunteering at Habitat for Humanity with my sorority sisters.

Emma Roedel '20

My favorite memory of Grand Valley was the day that I toured campus for the first time after transferring. I immediately knew that I had made the right decision Grand Valley was home from the moment I stepped foot on campus!

Tracey Siebelink '91

I took my student teaching experience on campus in the summer so I didn't have to quit my full-time job.

Sanda Vazgec '17

The friends I made my freshman year are still my friends 10 years later! I met the best people at GVSU and I am so grateful for those connections.

Todd Lukasiewicz '12

When I was a freshman, there was quite a snowy winter. One day, around the weekend lunch rush around Kleiner, there was a large crowd mingling outside the building.

Page last modified June 8, 2024