Supply Chain Management


Trevor Tappan '21

Some of my favorite memories come from my time as a member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, particularly during my term as President. One standout event I always reminisce about is our collaboration with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Jessica Carlson '09

My roommate was from Chicago and the Bears were in the Superbowl in 2007. The snow did not stop us from bundling up and heading out to Superbowl watch parties along 48th Ave!

Jamie Belt '19

One of my accounting professors (Sopariwala) once sat with me for 2 hours straight to help me understand my homework and prepare for the final exam. After he graded mine, he emailed me to let me know he was proud of my grade.

Steve Lyons '10

One of my favorite memories was living with 3 of my best friends in college at an apartment together.

Jamie Belt '19

One of my favorite memories was the first time I met my freshman year roommate, who is now my best friend still to this day. We started as strangers awkwardly trying to be polite and courteous to good friends who travel together all the time!

Corbin Snook '17

My favorite memories are the ones shared with teachers where I was able to have an "aha" moment solving a complex problem.

Matthew Stevens '16

One of my favorite memories at Grand Valley was competing in college athletics on the swim team and making so many memories with all my teammates. Being around 60 of your closest friends for four years was an amazing experience.

Page last modified August 20, 2024