Supply Chain Management

Trevor Tappan '21

Trevor Tappan '21

Gordon Food Services

LinkedIn Profile

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
After graduating at the end of 2021, I spent the following year gaining experience to understand the entire supply chain process, from raw materials to delivering finished products to customers. I took on roles in procurement, where I collaborated with teams to manage the flow of goods from production facilities to distribution centers and handled inventory management at the retail level. In September 2022, I started my career at Gordon Food Service with their strategic imports and commodities partner, Limson Trading. I began as a Logistics Analyst, handling imports of food service products from 42 countries worldwide. In 2024, I transitioned to the role of Replenishment Planner, which has allowed me to focus on the entire process of acquiring goods—from identifying needs and selecting suppliers to negotiating terms and managing contracts.

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
Some of my favorite memories come from my time as a member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, particularly during my term as President. One standout event I always reminisce about is our collaboration with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to organize the JDRF One Walk on GVSU’s campus. The experience was incredibly rewarding, from coordinating event logistics to working with fellow fraternity members and local businesses. Witnessing the community come together to support a worthy cause and seeing the tangible impact of our efforts was a powerful reminder of the positive change that can be achieved through collective effort.

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Transformative, Challenging, and Empowering

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
Bring a positive attitude to interactions and situations, even in challenging times. Encouraging a hopeful outlook and celebrating small successes can uplift others and create a more positive environment.

August 2024

Interest Area(s)
Supply Chain Management, Business Administration

West Michigan

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Page last modified August 20, 2024