Alumni Spotlights

Lindsey VanDenBoom '15

Lindsey VanDenBoom '15

Perrin Brewing Company

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
I graduated in Spring of 2015 with a bug to travel the world. I made a plan to continue my studies overseas while traveling to 8 different countries over the course of the summer. Back in the states a couple months later, I began the job hunt. I stayed in contact with several professors from GV and one morning a catch-up coffee meeting turned into applying for a job. A professor found a job posting that fit everything I was looking for in my next career step. I applied and after a couple interviews - I am still living the dream of marketing & design for Perrin Brewing Company!

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
Oh so many to choose from - but I can always recall memories of running in T. Haas on campus! He was like a celebrity when spotted on campus and carried such a positive light and energy that lit up the room.

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"Where you invest your love, you invest your life" A quote I've always carried with me as a reminder to invest your time and energy into doing the things you love.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Inspiring. Long-lasting. Community.

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
With my passion for marketing and communication, I hope to continue the journey of meeting new people, making connections and helping them craft and share their story. We all have stories, that are uniquely ours - by sharing them we build better connections, make a stronger impact, and bring community closer together.

January 2021

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Page last modified January 15, 2021