Alumni Spotlights

Nicki Bonczyk '14

Nicki Bonczyk '14

Mechanical Engineer at JR Automation

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
While at GVSU, I had the opportunity to Co-Op at JR Automation. Post-graduation, I started at JR Automation full time. I love that GVSU is a big supporter of FIRST Robotics and I have had the opportunity to stay involved with GVSU by volunteering with the event that they host on campus.

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
My favorite GVSU memory is probably senior project day. It was the last big event I participated in at GVSU and it was great to reach the finish line and graduate.

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"Life is not about what you know, it is about who you know." I met some amazing people while at GVSU that has opened many doors years after being there. Making friends and connections while at GVSU can be very helpful later on.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Adventurous Challenging Memorable

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I really enjoyed volunteering while at GVSU. I've continued to volunteer with the American Cancer Society and FIRST Robotics. One of my favorite things about FIRST Robotics is getting young people excited by STEAM and encouraging others to pursue careers in engineering.

March 2021

Interest Area(s)
Product Design & Manufacturing

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Page last modified March 17, 2021