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2014-2015 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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IPE 407 - Building Relationships Across Inter-professional Domains (BRAIDS)

Inter-professional education focused on integrated patient-centered practice is key to building effective health care teams that improve the experiences and the outcomes of participants. This course will apply principles of inter-professional education, which include collaborative, egalitarian, group-directed, experiential, reflective, and applied learning with, from and about multiple health professions students. Crosslisted with IPE 507. Offered fall and winter semester. Prerequisites: Nursing- Prerequisites: NUR 366, NUR 367 Corequisites: NUR 416, NUR 417. Occupational Therapy- completion of OT 558 and OT 571 and the first three semesters of didactic curriculum. Physician Assistant- completion of PAS 515 AND PAS 551 Corequisite: PAS 552. Physical Therapy- completion of PT 675 and 677, the two previous clinical experiences. Social work- Corequisite: SW 671.

Credits: 2

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