2015-2016 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Accounting Minor
Requirements for a Minor in Accounting
Eligible business majors who elect to complete one of the business minors may be required to extend their degree programs beyond the minimum 120-semester hour university requirement.
The undergraduate accounting minor program is open to all students except accounting majors. The minor complements major fields of study in other departments or schools and enables students to choose a concentration of courses in a particular area of accounting, such as financial, managerial, and tax.
The accounting minor consists of 18 credit hours. The six courses are made up of two required courses (ACC 212 and 213) and four upper-division accounting courses. Transfer students must complete at least three upper-division accounting courses at the Seidman College of Business. Independent research and internship credits do not count toward the requirements for the minor. Only upper-division accounting courses in which the student has earned a C- or better may be used to satisfy requirements for the accounting minor. Students must achieve a cumulative 2.5 GPA in these courses to receive the accounting minor designation. Courses cannot be taken on a credit/no credit basis.