2015-2016 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Environmental Studies Minor
For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies section in this catalog.
Students enrolled in an environmental studies major will explore multiple dimensions on human-environmental interactions: sociocultural, scientific, technological, political, and economic. They will also develop an understanding of sustainability concepts, acquire experience in interdisciplinary collaboration, and become familiar with basic field research focused on local environmental issues.
Requirements for a Minor in Environmental Studies:
The environmental studies minor will require a minimum of 21 credit hours including the following courses:
A. ENS 201 (3 Credits):
B. One course from each of the following categories (9 Credits):
Sociocultural Perspectives on Environment:
- ANT 340 - Culture and Environment Credits: 3
- BIO 338 - Environmental Ethics Credits: 3
- ENG 382 - Literature and the Environment Credits: 3
- GPY 220 - Cultural Geography Credits: 3
- GPY 362 - Farmers, Crops, and Our Challenging Agricultural World Credits: 3
- GPY 363 - World Forests and Their Use Credits: 3
- GPY 410 - Landscape Analysis Credits: 3
- HST 320 - American Indians Credits: 3
- HST 323 - Michigan History Credits: 3
- HST 327 - History of United States Urban Society Credits: 3
- LIB 322 - Wicked Problems of Sustainability Credits: 3
- LIB 330 - The Idea of Nature Credits: 3
- PSY 362 - Environmental Psychology Credits: 3
- SOC 288 - Sociology of Food Credits: 3
- SOC 351 - Urban Sociology Credits: 3
- SW 150 - Human Needs in Complex Societies Credits: 3
- WGS 335 - Women, Health and Environment Credits: 3
Physical Life Science Perspectives on Environment:
- BIO 105 - Environmental Science Credits: 3
- BIO 107 - Great Lakes and Other Water Resources Credits: 4
- BIO 215 - General Ecology Credits: 4
- BIO 310 - Biological Diversity of the Americas Credits: 3
- BIO 470 - Conservation Biology Credits: 3
- CHM 311 - Green Chemistry and Industrial Processes Credits: 3
- CHM 321 - Environmental Chemistry Credits: 3
- CHM 322 - Environmental Chemical Analysis Credits: 3
- EGR 360 - Thermodynamics Credits: 4
- GEO 100 - Environmental Geology Credits: 3
- GEO 105 - Living with the Great Lakes Credits: 3
- GEO 111 - Exploring the Earth Credits: 4
- GEO 300 - Geology and the Environment Credits: 3
- GPY 100 - Physical Geography Credits: 3
- GPY 412 - Global Environmental Change Credits: 3
- NRM 330 - Environmental Pollution Credits: 3
- OSH 414 - Environmental Safety and Health Regulations Credits: 3
Political and Economic Perspectives on Environment:
- BIO 319 - Global Agricultural Sustainability Credits: 3
- ECO 345 - Environmental and Resource Economics Credits: 3
- ECO 435 - Urban Economics Credits: 3
- EGR 306 - Urban Sustainability Credits: 3
- EGR 406 - Renewable Energy Systems: Structure, Policy, and Analysis Credits: 3
- ENS 492 - Sustainable Agriculture Practicum: Ideas and Techniques Credits: 3
- GPY 312 - Urban and Regional Environmental Planning Credits: 3
- GPY 324 - Urbanization Credits: 3
- GPY 335 - Globalization and Development Credits: 3
- GPY 345 - Geography of Michigan/Great Lakes Region Credits: 3
- GPY 353 - Geography of the United States and Canada. Credits: 3
- GPY 361 - People, Environment, and Development in the Amazon Credits: 3
- HTM 175 - International Food and Culture Credits: 3
- HTM 268 - Adventure Tourism Credits: 3
- NRM 150 - Introduction to Natural Resources Credits: 3
- NRM 420 - Wildland Recreation Management Credits: 3
- NRM 451 - Natural Resource Policy Credits: 3
- PA 307 - Local Politics and Administration Credits: 3
- PA 360 - Voluntarism and the Nonprofit Sector Credits: 3
- PLS 303 - Introduction to U.S. Environmental Policy Credits: 3
- PLS 314 - International Law Credits: 3
C. Electives (6 Credits)
Any two upper-level electives (300 or above) from two different disciplines from the list of all environmental studies electives (socio-cultural, physical and life science, and political and economic) listed previously. ENS 490 - Internship in Environmental Studies (5-Jan credits) (up to 5 credit hours) can be taken as one of the two upper-level electives.