2016-2017 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Psychology - Program Description
For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.
Website: www.gvsu.edu/psychology
Students should plan their studies in consultation with an academic advisor early in and throughout their college career. Students major in psychology for various reasons, and different sets of courses are likely to be appropriate for students with different goals. While some psychology courses are offered intermittently as evening courses, these are not sufficient in number or variety for completing the Psychology programs, so students should plan their schedules accordingly.
Psychological scientists specialize in many different areas, such as clinical psychology, counseling psychology, developmental psychology, physiological psychology, neuropsychology, industrial/organizational psychology, educational psychology, experimental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and cross-cultural psychology. Because the interests and training of the faculty members in the department cover all of these areas, we offer a wide range of courses in the undergraduate curriculum.
The following programs are available:
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Neuroscience