2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Dean: Antczak
Associate Dean: Galbraith
Associate Dean: Tutt
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) is a student-centered and diverse learning community that engages in critical inquiry extending knowledge to enrich and enliven individual and public life.
Program Information
Created in July 2004, CLAS is the largest of GVSU's colleges and offers more than 50 bachelor's degrees (and a growing number of advanced degrees) in the natural and mathematical sciences, the humanities, the fine and performing arts, and the social sciences.
All GVSU undergraduates build the foundation for their major studies in general education courses offered by our college.
Advertising and Public Relations
Advertising and Public Relations, B.A., B.S.
Advertising and Public Relations (minor)
Annis Water Resources Institute
(See Biology, M.S.,
Aquatics Sciences)
Aging and Adult Life
Aging and Adult Life (minor)
Anthropology, B.A., B.S.
Anthropology (minor)
Applied Linguistics
Applied Linguistics, M.A.
Applied Linguistics (minor)
Arabic (minor)
Archaeology (minor)
Art and Design
Art Education (K-12) B.A., B.S.
Art History, B.A.
Art History (minor)
Studio Art, B.A., B.S.
Studio Art, B.F.A.
Graphic Design
Visual Studies
Studio Art (minor)
Athletic Training
Athletic Training, B.S.
Athletic Training, M.A.T., Fall 2019
Behavioral Neuroscience
Behavioral Neuroscience, B.A., B.S.
Biochemistry, B.S.
Biology, B.A., B.S.
Biomolecular Processes
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
General Biology
Preveterinary Medicine
Secondary Education
Biology, M.S.
Aquatic Sciences
Natural Resources
Biology (minor)
Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical Sciences, B.S.
Nutritional Science
Biomedical Sciences, M.H.S.
Biostatistics, M.S.
Cell and Molecular Biology
Cell and Molecular Biology, B.S.
Cell and Molecular Biology, M.S.
Bioinformatics and Genomics (certificate)
Chemistry, B.S.
Secondary Education
Chemistry (minor)
Green Chemistry (certificate)
Classics, B.A.
Classical Languages Emphasis
Classical Studies
Latin Secondary Education Emphasis
Communication Studies
Communication Studies, B.A., B.S.
Communications, M.S.
Comprehensive Science and Arts for Teaching (CSAT)
Comprehensive Science and Arts for Teaching, B.A., B.S.
Dance, B.A.
Dance (minor)
Earth Science
Earth Science, B.S.
Secondary Education
Earth Science (minor)
English, B.A.
Language and Literature
Language Arts (Elementary Education)
Secondary Education
English, M.A.
English (minor)
Exercise Science
Exercise Science, B.S.
Clinical Exercise Science
Health Fitness Instruction
Film and Video Production
Film and Video Production, B.A., B.S.
French, B.A.
French (minor)
French Secondary Education (minor)
Geography and Sustainable Planning
Environmental Remote Sensing (certificate)
Geographic Information Science and Technology (certificate)
Geography, B.A., B.S.
Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resiliency Planning
Environment and Global Development
Geospatial Technology
Urban and Regional Planning
Geography - Secondary Teacher Certification (minor)
Geospatial Techniques (minor)
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning (certificate)
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning (minor)
Geology, B.S.
Geology (minor)
Geology - Chemistry
Geology - Chemistry, B.S.
German, B.A.
Secondary Education
German (minor)
German Secondary Education (minor)
Health Communication
Health Communication, B.A., B.S.
Health Informatics and Bioinformatics
Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, M.S.
History, B.A., B.S.
Secondary Education
History (minor)
History Secondary Education (minor)
History of Science
History of Science (minor)
Integrated Science
Integrated Science, B.S.
International Relations
International Relations, B.A.
International Relations (minor)
Mathematics, B.A., B.S.
Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Mathematics (minor)
Multimedia Journalism
Multimedia Journalism, B.A., B.S.
Music, B.A.
Music, B.M.
Music (minor)
Music Education, B.M.E.
Piano Pedagogy (certificate)
Natural Resources Management
Natural Resources Management, B.S.
Natural Resources Management (minor)
Philosophy, B.A.
Philosophy (minor)
Photography, B.A., B.S.
Photography (minor)
Physical Education
Physical Education, B.S.
Professional Instruction (K-12)
Sports Leadership, Coaching
Physical Education (minor)
School Health Education (minor)
Sport Coaching (certificate)
Physics, B.S.
Secondary Education
Physics (minor)
Political Science
Political Science, B.A., B.S.
Legal Education Admission Program (LEAP)
Political Science (minor)
Political Science and Law, B.A./J.D.
Political Science and Law, B.S./J.D.
Preprofessional Studies
Predental Studies
Premedical Studies
Preveterinary Medicine
Applied Behavior Analysis (certificate)
Psychology, B.A., B.S.
Psychology (minor)
School Psychology
School Psychology, M.S. and Psy.S.
Sociology, B.A., B.S.
Sociology (minor)
Spanish, B.A.
Secondary Education
Spanish (minor)
Spanish Elementary Education (minor, in conjunction with a CSAT major)
Spanish Secondary Education (minor)
Sport Management
Sport Management, B.S.
Statistics, B.A., B.S.
Actuarial Sciences
Applied Statistics (minor)
Data Science (minor)
Mathematical Statistics (minor)
Theatre, B.A., B.S.
Theatre (minor)
Writing, B.A., B.S.
Writing (minor)
Academic Units
Annis Water Resources Institute
Biomedical Sciences
Cell and Molecular Biology
Geography and Sustainable Planning
Modern Languages and Literatures
Movement Science
Music, Theatre, and Dance
Political Science
School of Communications
Visual and Media Arts
See individual unit or program sections for information.
Secondary Admission for Undergraduates
- Art Education (B.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
- Art History (B.A.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
- Athletic Training (B.S.); Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)
- Chemistry (B.S.); Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Film and Video Production (B.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
- Music (B.A., B.M.E., B.M.); National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
- Photography (B.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
- Studio Art (B.A., B.F.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
- Regional Math and Science Center; Michigan Department of Education (MDEC)
The following programs require audition, portfolio review, and/or prerequisites and separate application:
- Art and design - Studio art and art education
- Athletic training
- Dance
- Film and video production
- Music
Graduate Admission
See appropriate Academic Program description for information on graduate admission.
Student Services
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center
The CLAS Academic Advising Center serves as a key resource for students pursuing majors and/or minors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The goal is to complement faculty advising with professional advising services and serve students by
- providing initial academic advising through freshman, transfer, and international student orientations;
- assisting in the development of an achievable academic plan;
- disseminating Grand Valley policies and procedures as they pertain to degree completion in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences;
- offering a central location for students seeking information on preprofessional programs such as premedical, predental, prepharmacy studies, and many other postbaccalaureate programs;
- assisting students interested in attaining teacher certification through the undergraduate programs or the graduate teacher certification program, as well as current teachers seeking an additional endorsement in a CLAS-related area; and
- providing support for nontraditional students and students returning to Grand Valley after an absence.
The CLAS Academic Advising Center's location is C-1-140 Mackinac Hall and can be reached by calling (616) 331-8585 or via email at [email protected]. Additional information also can be found on the center's website at www.gvsu.edu/clasadvising/.
Mathematics Tutoring Center
Science Success Center
Statistical Consulting Center
Statistics Tutoring Center
Honors Organizations
Program-specific honors programs are described under each unit's description.
The eligibility criteria for each scholarship can be found in the Costs and Financial Aid section of the catalog.
Eric A. Andres Live, Laugh, Love, Learn Scholarships
Alex Aninos Music Education Scholarship
John T. Batchelder Political Science Scholarship
Edith I. Blodgett Endowed Piano Scholarship
William J. and Margaret G. Branstrom Fine Arts Scholarship
Breen Scholarship
Dr. Andrew M.C. Brown Memorial English Scholarship
Alexander Calder Honor Scholarship
Robert L. Chamberlain Scholarship
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Alumni Scholarship
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Endowed Scholarship
Gilbert R. and Patricia K. Davis Endowed Merit Scholarship for Full- or Part-time English Majors
Gilbert R. and Patricia K. Davis Endowed Theatre Scholarship: Remembering Shakespeare
Greta and Arthur DeLong Psychology Scholarship
Aaron M. DesRocher Memorial Chemistry Scholarship
Pamella and Daniel G. DeVos Musical Theater Scholarship
DeWitt Barrels Inc. Environmental Science and Natural Resources Scholarship
Ann M. Dilly Jewelry/Metalsmithing Scholarship
Mary Jane Dockeray Scholarship
Leslie Eitzen Voice Scholarship
English Faculty Endowed Scholarship for New Majors
Shelby Fazio '13 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Richard E. Flanders Scholarship
Barbara L. Flaschenreim Endowed Classics Scholarship
Geology Field Studies Scholarship
Norman and Helen Gibson Geology Field Study Scholarship
Edward Tremba Geology Scholarship
Charlotte A. Gierst and Salome C. Egeler Trust Fund
Tom and Marcia Haas and Family Laker Marching Band Scholarship
Steve Hecht Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Paul B. Henry Congressional Internship
Arthur C. Hills Music Scholarship
Prof. Paul A. Huizenga Biology Education Scholarship
Jake Jager '18 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Paul and Dianna Johnson STEM Pathway Endowed Scholarship
Jurries Family Scholarship
Frances Anne Kelleher Memorial Scholarship
Marlene Kenneway Love of Dance Scholarship
Prof. Charles Knop Chemistry Scholarship
Walton B. Koch Memorial Scholarship
Albert S. and Ella D. Koeze Art Scholarship
MaryBeth Koeze Art Scholarship Endowment
Dirk Koning Film and Video Scholarship
Kulesza Family Healthcare Pathway Scholarship
Marney Houseman MacAdam Endowed Voice Scholarship
Dr. Nancy K. Mack & Katherine Klemit Mack Memorial Scholarship
The Malinoski Family Pre-Dental Scholarship
Adam M Malson Memorial Scholarship
Mathematics Endowment Fund
Michigan Garden Club Scholarship
David and Diana Moore Biology Graduate Student Assistantship
Upper Division Music Department Scholarship
Arlene Treanor Natie Plants Internship
Glenn A. and Betty J. Niemeyer History Scholarship
Nedra J. Otis Art Scholarship
Ross W. Perry Bachelor of Science Scholarship
Elizabeth Platek '89 Communication Scholarship
Dr. Margaret Proctor School of Communications Scholarship
Dr. George I. and Helen Z. Quimby Scholarship
Warren Reynolds Endowed Scholarship
Robert and Linda '89 Rynbrandt Endowed Sociology Scholarship
Hugo Salazar Memorial Scholarship
John Salski Memorial Fund
Ilene I. Schooley Biomedical Science Scholarship
School of Communications Scholarship
Mary and Wilhelm Seeger Scholarship
Shakespeare Festival Alumni Scholarship
John J. and Marjorie E. Shephard Communications Scholarship
John Shontz Native Plants Biology Scholarship
Statistics Book Scholarship
Statistics Endowment
George and Marianne Stein Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Howard and Rose Stein Endowed Biology Scholarship
Duke Tanka Jr. Anatomy Scholarship
Edward L. Tremba Scholarship
Donald and Barbara VanderJagt Mathematics and Athletics Scholarship
Ada Council for the Arts Rebecca Vogelsang Memorial Scholarship
Margaret F. Ward Art and Design Scholarship
Margaret F. Ward Music Scholarship
Dr. Ronald W. Ward Scholarship
Wayland Street Films Scholarship for the Arts in Memory of BrownHill
Holliday Willey Psychology Scholarship for the Study of Pervasive Development Disorders
Bill and Diana Wipperfurth Annis Water Resources Institute Student Research Scholarship
Writing Major Scholarship
Doug and Linda Woods Athletic Training Scholarship
Barbara Waddell Native Plants Research Scholarship
Barbara Waddell Integrated Science Academic Excellence Award
Mark A. Warren Memorial Scholarship
Community Resources
- Annis Water Resources Institute
- Autism Education Center
- Regional Math and Science Center
Refer to the Community Resources section of this catalog for more information.
Program Descriptions
- Anthropology
- Biology
- Biomedical Sciences
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Chemistry
- Classics
- Communications
- School of Communications
- English
- French
- Geography and Sustainable Planning
- Geology
- History
- Integrated Science
- International Relations
- Mathematics
- Modern Languages and Literatures
- Movement Science
- Music, Theatre, and Dance
- Natural Resources Management
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Pre-Law
- Psychology
- Social Science
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Visual and Media Arts
- Annis Water Resources Institute
- Writing