2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Student Services
Dean of Students Office
The function of the Dean of Students Office is to maintain the quality of campus life by providing leadership and supervision for the division's staff and programs. The Dean's Office serves as an information resource and problem-solving center for students and faculty, for academic departments, and student organizations, and as an advocate for student concerns. The office provides support services for returning adult students; serves as a resource for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues; coordinates the university judicial system and mediation program; and represents the division to constituencies inside and outside the institution. The Dean of Students Office is located in 202 Student Services Building. Telephone: (616) 331-3585.
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered (GLBT) Resources
Staff in the Dean of Students Office serve as resources to students concerned about gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender issues. The office provides support to Allies and Advocates, a group of faculty and staff who offer support and resources in a safe environment for the members of the university community concerned with issues of sexual orientation. A faculty member is appointed each year and works with the office, Allies and Advocates, the student organization, and serves as a liaison between GLBT students and the university. The faculty liaison can be reached at 331-2530.
Mediation is a non-judicial, confidential, and voluntary process that helps people resolve their own conflicts and design their own solutions with the assistance of a trained facilitator. Trained staff are available to help students resolve conflicts.
Returning Adult Students
The Dean of Students Office serves as a resource and referral service for returning adult students, generally defined as nontraditional students over the age of 25.
University Judiciary
The University Judiciary is responsible for informing students about their rights and responsibilities on campus. Grievance procedures and judicial referrals are available for handling students' concerns regarding university practices. Prompt and confidential investigations and resolutions of judicial cases are standard procedures. Filing a complaint does not affect a student's standing at Grand Valley.
The Student Code lists Grand Valley rules and regulations and outlines campus judicial processes. Persons attending Grand Valley automatically place themselves under the rules and regulations published in the Student Code. Infraction of these rules is dealt with by campus judiciary bodies made up of students, faculty, and staff.
Advising Resource Center (ARC)
The ARC supports student learning by providing a wide range of services to students in one central location: academic advising for students who have not decided on a specific major or minor, or those who have not been officially admitted to Grand Valley State University; grievances regarding general undergraduate university graduation requirements such as general education, total credit, credit overload requests, transfer course equivalency or residency requirements; workshops to help students with study skills, test anxiety, and time management. The ARC support programs consist of Academic Advising for Undecided Majors; Disability Support Services; The EXCEL Program; Freshman Orientation; Graduation Persistence Advising; LAKER Academic Center; Muskegon Partnership Program; Student Transfer Enrollment Partnership; Testing Services; Tutoring; Transfer Orientation; TRiO Programs-Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science, McNair Scholars, Educational Connections, Educational Support Program. The ARC is located in 200 Student Services Building and is open 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday. Appointments can be made by phone (616) 331-3588 or by coming to the office.
Arts and Humanities Teacher Certification Advising Center
The Arts and Humanities (A&H) Advising Center provides information and advising to current and prospective education students who have a major and/or minor in an Arts and Humanities content area.
The Center provides services and resources to: undergraduate A&H education students who have questions regarding the application process and admission criteria for the College of Education; post baccalaureate A&H students who are coming to Grand Valley to obtain their Michigan Provisional Teaching Certificate; teachers who are adding an A&H major or minor endorsement to their Teaching Certificate.
The A&H Teacher Certification Advising Center is located in Mackinac Building-Suite 1060B, (616) 331-3895.
The College of Education: Student Information and Services Center
The College of Education: Student Information and Services Center provides advising and information that supports undergraduate and graduate students through a variety of transitions within the College of Education.
The center provides centralized services for: admitting students into the undergraduate and graduate schools of education; placing teacher assistants and student teachers in the field; providing informational advising at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; and teacher certification.
The College of Education: Student Information and Services Center is located at 101 Eberhard Center, (616) 331-6650.
Seidman Undergraduate Student Services
Seidman Undergraduate Student Services' mission is "to facilitate business students' successful progress through graduation.'' This office provides all routine advising for program requirements and scheduling for undergraduate business students. Students are encouraged to maintain contact with the office for support in meeting all graduation requirements. The office is located in 101B DeVos Center, and can be contacted via email at go2gvbiz@gvsu.edu, or via telephone at (616) 331-7500. Appointments and walk-ins are accepted at the Richard M. DeVos Center. Appointments are also offered in Allendale during the fall and winter semesters.
S.M.A.R.T. Center (Science and Mathematics Advising, Resource, and Transition Center)
It is the mission of the S.M.A.R.T. Center to provide consistent and accurate academic advisement and information on resources available to all students pursuing or transitioning to majors and minors in the fields of science and mathematics. The center complements faculty advising by offering initial academic advisement through freshman and transfer orientation; by assisting in the development of an achievable academic outline; by disseminating Grand Valley policies and procedures as it pertains to students in science and mathematics; by providing a central location for students seeking information on pre-professional programs such as pre-medical, pre-dental, and pre-pharmacy studies. In addition, the center assists students in appropriate course selection in the general education program and teacher certification pre-requisites. The S.M.A.R.T. Center is located in 377 Padnos and is open 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday. Appointments can be made by telephoning the center at (616) 331-8585 or by stopping in at the office.
College of Community and Public Service Advising Center
The College of Community and Public Service Advising Center provides advising assistance and information to current and prospective undergraduate students in the School of Criminal Justice (criminal justice and legal studies majors and minors), School of Public and Nonprofit Administration, School of Social Work, and Hospitality and Tourism Management department.
The center provides comprehensive, centralized services to assist students with: degree planning including general education and major or minor requirements; development and review of degree progress plans; personalized course selection assistance; dissemination of Grand Valley policies and procedures, outreach and support to students in academic jeopardy; assistance with the creation of long-term goals; and referrals to faculty mentors in the academic programs or other university resources.
The advising center is located 261C DeVos Center. There is also a satellite office in Allendale. More information is available on the Web at www.gvsu.edu/ccpsadvising. Contact the office by telephone at (616) 331-6890 or by email at ccpsadvisor@gvsu.edu for hours of availability or to schedule an advising appointment.
Math and Science Student Support (MS3)
Math and Science Student Support is an academic assistance and enrichment program offered in the Learning Center, located in room 377 of the Seymour and Esther Padnos building. We offer academic support and problem-solving assistance for all students interested in the fields of mathematics and science. Our student facilitators, successful upper level students in biology, chemistry, biomedical sciences, mathematics, and physics, assist students by forming study groups, providing problem-solving assistance, and connecting students to other appropriate support services on campus. The Learning Center provides an area for both group and independent studying. The goal of MS3 is to assist students in the transition to upper-level science and mathematics courses.
Structured Learning Assistance
Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) is an academic support program within science and mathematics that is attached to historically difficult courses. It is available to all interested students. SLA features weekly study and practice workshops in which students' master course content to develop and apply specific learning strategies. The workshops are led by trained facilitators, who in collaboration with faculty, develop the workshop materials. These sessions meet from one to three hours per week throughout the semester and are optional once the student achieves a grade of C or higher in the course. The additional hours are formally attached to the student's schedule and are offered at no additional charge. For more information on this academic support program, please contact the S.M.A.R.T. Center at (616) 331-8585.
Career Planning
The Counseling and Career Development Center assists students in making career decisions. The center provides individual counseling sessions in which personal values, interests, abilities, and goals are assessed and then used as a basis for career exploration and decision making. Individual career counseling is available at the Allendale Campus office, the Pew Campus in Grand Rapids, and the Meijer Campus in Holland. Call (616) 331-3266 to set up an appointment. The center also houses an extensive Career Resource Library in which up-to-date information on a wide range of careers is available. Also offered each semester are career seminars and study skills that help students plan for the future by addressing topics such as study skill techniques, planning for graduate school, and identifying potential careers. Current career information and job trends data are included in both individual career counseling sessions and career seminars through the use of numerous web sites emphasizing career exploration and information. The Counseling and Career Development Center and Library are located in 204 Student Services Building. Telephone (616) 331-3266.
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center staff provides students with counseling on personal issues such as relationships, anxiety, depression, self-awareness, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Counseling is provided to students using either individual sessions and/or group sessions with peers. In addition, personal development seminars are offered each semester to help students make more effective decisions. Seminars and groups cover such topics as stress management, assertiveness training, relationship skills, and building self-confidence. Seminars are held in the Counseling and Career Development Center in 204 Student Services Building. Staff members are available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday at the Allendale Campus office and from 10 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesday from 11:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Wednesday and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Pew Campus office. To make an appointment, call (616) 331-3266.
Career Services and Graduation Employment Assistance
The Career Services office provides extensive services to students and alumni as they prepare for internship/co-op and post-graduation employment. The staff assists students and alumni with preparing written application materials, and developing interviewing skills and job search techniques. Individual appointments can be scheduled with an advisor in addition to attending workshops and seminars. Students who register with the office may take advantage of a Web-based system to get current job listings, sign-up for on-campus interviews, and receive email correspondence from Career Services regarding upcoming events and employment information. The Web-based system provides a computerized resume database available to employers for resume referrals. The office coordinates six annual career fairs: Grand Valley State University Careerfest (for all majors and the police academy), West Michigan Career Connections (nonprofit business and industry, social services, and government), Health Career Day, Summer Job Fair, Teacher Search, and Out-of-State Teacher Fair. Representatives from these markets come to campus to provide information on prospective opportunities and to interview Grand Valley students. In addition, the office provides internship listings and assistance in locating internships for students. The Career Services office has two primary locations: 206 Student Services Building, (616) 331-3311, with office hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, and 116B DeVos Center, (616) 331-6708, with office hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. Services are also available at the L.V. Eberhard Center and Cook-DeVos Center for Health Science in Grand Rapids, at the Meijer Campus in Holland, Muskegon Campus at Muskegon Community College, and Traverse City/Petoskey locations by appointment. Visit our Web site at www.gvsu.edu/careers.
Employment Statistics for 2005-2006
The employment rate for Grand Valley graduates continues to be very high. Students can enhance employment success by improving written and verbal communication skills, completing at least one internship, developing skills in areas outside of the major academic program area, and thoroughly preparing for the employment search. Assistance with preparation for the employment search is available through the Career Services Office.
Recent employment statistics-those persons employed in a position directly related to their majors or attending graduate school-are listed for various majors at Grand Valley.
2005-2006 Major |
Percent Employed |
Percent Enrolled in |
Accounting |
65% |
27% |
Accounting (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Athletic Training |
29% |
71% |
Biology (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Biopsychology |
0% |
100% |
Business |
82% |
18% |
M.B.A. |
89% |
0% |
Business Economics |
55% |
27% |
Chemistry |
25% |
75% |
Classical Tradition |
100% |
0% |
Classics | 0% | 100% |
Clinical Laboratory Science |
100% |
0% |
M.S. in Communications | 82% | 0% |
Computer Information
Systems (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Computer Science |
75% |
13% |
Criminal Justice (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Earth Science | 100% | 0% |
Economics | 100% | 0% |
Engineering | 81% | 15% |
Engineering (master's) | 100% | 0% |
English (master's) | 100% | 0% |
Finance | 67% | 16% |
Education General (master's) |
94% |
01% |
Education General: CSAL (master's) |
88% |
0% |
Geography |
60% |
20% |
Health Administration (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Health Science |
10% |
74% |
Hospitality & Tourism Management |
88% |
08% |
Information Systems |
88% |
12% |
Integrated Science | 50% | 50% |
International Business | 67% | 33% |
International Relations |
50% |
33% |
Journalism | 83% | 0% |
Marketing | 80% | 04% |
Mathematics |
59% |
21% |
Medical Imaging |
100% | 0% |
Music |
36% |
45% |
Natural Resource Management |
56% |
33% |
Nursing |
99% |
0% |
Nursing (master's) |
92% |
0% |
Occupational Safety & Health |
80% |
10% |
Occupational Therapy |
100% |
0% |
Physical Therapy (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Physician Assistant (master's) |
93% |
0% |
Physics |
0% |
100% |
Psychology | 19% | 66% |
Reading (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Russian Studies |
0% |
100% |
School Counseling (master's) | 100% | 0% |
Social Work |
32% |
61% |
Social Work (master's) |
93% |
0% |
Special Education/Psychology |
60% |
33% |
Special Education/Psychology (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Statistics | 0% | 100% |
Taxation (master's) |
100% |
0% |
Theatre |
100% |
0% |
Therapeutic Recreation |
100% |
0% |
Internships, Cooperative Education and other Experiential Education Programs
In today's highly competitive job market, employers hire candidates who possess not only a college degree, but also career-related experience. In a recent survey conducted by Grand Valley Career Services, 99 percent of employers agreed that most students would benefit from such experience.
The best way to gain the experience employers are looking for is to complete one or more internships. In addition to the possibility of earning college credit, other educational benefits of internships/co-ops include learning new skills, and applying theory to the world of work. Career development benefits include exploring career options, developing realistic career goals and expectations, and building relationships with professionals. Employment advantages include gaining career-related experience, supplementing (or compensating for) grades, and receiving possible employment offers or recommendations for future employment.
Academic Requirements and Credits. Each academic department determines the academic requirements for internships and cooperative education experiences. Unless an academic department requires completion of an internship, it is up to the student to decide whether or not they wish to pursue receiving credit for their internship experience (occasionally, employers require interns to receive college credit for their experience). Students seeking credit are typically required to have completed 60 academic credits before signing up for internships or cooperative education experiences. Work hours normally equate to 150 hours (three and a third hours per week per credit for a 15-week term) for three academic credits. A maximum of 15 internship/cooperative education credits may be applied toward graduation. The nature of the academic component of an internship/cooperative education experience is defined by the academic department. A student may not use a single work experience to generate both internship/cooperative education credit and other forms of credit, e.g., independent study credit.
Cooperative Education. A work-training program specified in engineering. Co-op is a specific type of work training experience in which students have at least two full-time or part-time supervised paid work experiences related to their major, each lasting at least one semester. The co-op program is specifically designated as such by the academic department.
Criteria. Internships and co-ops may be initiated by the faculty advisor, the employer, the student, or the Career Services Office. When seeking credit for the experience, a faculty advisor within each academic department is responsible for final approval of internships and co-ops to ensure that the experience meets specific departmental criteria. Students are required to comply with academic departmental GPA requirements regarding internships or co-ops. The work setting must provide an opportunity for learning that is relevant to the intern's academic field. The employer provides a field supervisor and the academic department provides a faculty member to direct the experience. Field supervisors evaluate the student's work experience; and students must complete all departmental requirements for the experience, including final reports. The length of the internship/co-op is determined prior to the beginning of the internship by the employer, the faculty advisor, and the student. An internship/cooperative education experience can be terminated prior to completion by the faculty advisor, field supervisor, or student. However, permission for course withdrawal is vested exclusively in the faculty.
Internships. A supervised work experience directly related to an academic discipline taking place outside of the classroom, and directed by a field supervisor and a Grand Valley faculty member. The internship may be full-or part-time and may or may not be a paid work experience. An internship typically lasts for one semester. A student may enroll for a maximum of 15 credits of internship. The internship must be planned and approved by the academic department the semester prior to when the experience will take place. Internships are available in most Grand Valley majors.
Student Employment
The Student Employment Office has a Web site to assist students find jobs both on and off campus. Visit www.gvsu.edu/studentjobs to view job postings, a gallery of pictures showing students working at all types of jobs on campus, the on campus wage schedule, the pay period calendar, hints for interviewing, student handbook, forms for employment, explanation of work study, and much more. The Student Employment office is located at 105 Student Services building. Telephone (616) 331-3238.
Multicultural Affairs
The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) is committed to building an inclusive campus that yields social harmony and learning vitality. Through our comprehensive programs, OMA fosters an appreciation and respect for the history, tradition, and culture of all people, and to empower students to be active learners. In addition, OMA initiates and supports efforts in recruitment and retention of students, faculty and staff.
OMA is home to the four multicultural cohort programs: Multicultural Business Education Cohort (MBEC), Multicultural Higher Education Cohort (MHEC), Multicultural Higher Education Cohort (MSEC), Multicultural Science Education Cohort (MSEC), and Multicultural Teacher Education Cohort (MTEC). The cohort programs offer a comprehensive support system to students by providing a broad spectrum of academic, cultural, professional, and social enrichment programs. The objective of these programs is to provide first-year students with a positive transition to campus, and to successfully retain and graduate students. The cohorts also serve as community learning centers where students who pursue similar educational interests can connect, interact, and share their educational experiences. Members of the cohorts also benefit from the one-on-one working working relationship with the program coordinators. Other programs OMA provides includes Students Promoting Diversity and Leadership Peer Mentoring, Wade H. McCree Incentive Scholarship program and King Chaves-Parks GearUp, Future Faculty, and Visiting Professors programs. OMA is located in 130 Commons. Telephone (616) 331-2177, email oma@gvsu.edu, or visit our website at www.gvsu.edu/oma.
Robert C. Pew Campus Student Services
The Robert C. Pew Campus Student Services office coordinates activities with academic and non-academic departments to provide a full range of services for students. The office, located in 101B DeVos Center, serves as a hub for support services and as a gateway to university information and resources. Moreover, the department seeks to identify student needs to find solutions that enhance learning and provide opportunities for involvement. We also coordinate orientation for newly admitted graduate students. For information visit our Web site at https://www.gvsu.edu/registrar or call (616) 331-7220.
Working closely with graduate students, faculty, and staff, including the offices of Dean of Students, Graduate Studies, Student Life, Multicultural Affairs, Women's Center and other stakeholders, our goals are to enhance learning, involve students, and help maintain a sense of community, fostering more opportunities for all students.
Within Pew Campus Student Services, students can obtain assistance in areas such as admissions, career planning and job searching, counseling, financial assistance, and study abroad programs. Additionally, undergraduate academic advising and other services are provided to business students through the Seidman College of Business Student Services department. Similar services for undeclared majors and specified programs are also available from representatives of the Advising Resource and Special Programs office.
The Advising Resource department also provides tutoring, writing, and testing services, including the WRT 305 assessment, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and accommodated testing for students with disabilities through the Office of Academic Support.
For information regarding downtown tutoring services and hours, call (616) 331-6407; to request a WRT 305 assessment, call (616) 331-3588; finally, downloadable CLEP registration forms are available online at www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/clep/reg.html or call (616) 331-3588.
Housing and Residence Life and Campus Dining
Although Grand Valley does not require on-campus residency for any classification of student, the university does consider residential living to be particularly beneficial in helping all students become oriented and adjusted to college life. A university staff member living in each living center, along with student Resident Assistants/Apartment Living Assistants and Multicultural Assistants, arranges educational, diversity, and recreational programs that serve to foster and maintain pleasant living and study conditions. Two students are assigned to a room and, whenever possible, students are allowed to choose their roommates. The traditional living centers accommodate approximately 900 freshman students. Suite-style living centers accommodate 1,000 students. The centers are divided into suites consisting of two double rooms (for four students) and a shared bathroom. Apartment-style living centers provide two students with bedrooms, a private bathroom, and a small kitchen. There are approximately 1,000 apartment-style living center beds.
Room and board may be paid in full at the beginning of each semester or, for a service charge, in installments. All room-and-board rates are subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees.
Admission to Grand Valley does not guarantee housing of any kind, and students must make their own arrangements by contacting the Office of Housing and Residence Life. This should be done immediately upon acceptance for admission, living centers are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Approximately 3,000 spaces in the living centers are reserved for freshmen; the remaining spaces are available for upperclass students. All rooms are smoke free.
The living centers provide accommodations and meals for approximately 3,000 students. Three room-and-board plans are available: a 7-meal plan, a 14-meal plan, and a 21-meal plan. Meals are served in the Fresh Food Company, Kleiner Commons, Einstein Bagel, Papa John's, and River Landing at the Kirkhof Center, depending on the plan selected. At each meal the traditional dining service in the Fresh Food Company provides several entrees, including a vegetarian entree, from which students may choose. Students may eat all they want and are allowed to return as often as they want to the various serving tables. A food court, featuring Taco Bell Express, Subway Express, and Pizza Hut, is located on the lower level of the Commons. In the Kleiner Commons, there is a marketplace, coffee shop, and convenience store for student dining. Students can use their dining cards at the Kleiner convenience store, River Landing and at Java City located in the Kirkhof Center.
The apartment complexes on the Allendale campus provide housing for students who have completed at least one full year of living on campus or have earned a minimum of 30 semester hours. There are four-bedroom, two-bedroom, one-bedroom, and efficiency apartments. A university staff member living in the complex, along with Apartment Living Assistants and Multicultural Assistants, arranges educational, diversity, and recreational programs that foster pleasant living and study conditions.
The apartments are arranged in three village-style clusters, each around a community building. Each apartment has a stove and refrigerator, beds, dresser, desks, chairs, and a sofa. Students provide other furnishings to suit their tastes. All apartments are smoke free. Rent may be paid in full at the beginning of the semester or, for a service charge, spread out in four installments.
In addition, students can choose the apartments located on the Robert C. Pew Campus in Grand Rapids. One-, two-, three-, four-bedroom, and efficiency units are available. Units are semi-furnished, with a couch and chair provided.
Students must make their own arrangements for the apartments. Because the units resemble privately developed apartments in every way, yet are conveniently located right on campus, they are very much in demand and students are advised to make application for rental well in advance. Applications and contract information may be obtained from the Office of Housing and Residence Life located at 103 Student Services Building, telephone (616) 331-2120.
Other Housing
Other living accommodations near the campus-including rooms, apartments, houses, and mobile homes-are available at a wide variety of costs. Grand Valley does not involve itself in negotiations for off-campus rentals but does provide, solely as a service to students, a listing of available housing at www.gvsu.edu/housing. The university will not knowingly list substandard housing but it does not inspect the units available, and students are advised to exercise normal caution in making rental agreements.
Housing Application Process
New students who want to live on campus should apply to the Office of Housing and Residence Life immediately upon acceptance for admission. Spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Summer session housing applications are accepted at any time. A $150 deposit (subject to change) must accompany the contract materials. The deposit is a reservation/security deposit and must be paid before the beginning of each academic year. The deposit is also required for the summer session. All first-year students are encouraged to apply before March 1 for the fall semester in which they plan to attend.
Living center and apartment contracts are for the entire academic year. Apartment residents may request a 12-month contract. Students who must move in order to take part in Grand Valley sponsored or approved off-campus academic programs (such as field work or study abroad) will be allowed to break the contract with a refund of their deposit, providing required written notice is given in accordance with published deadlines.
Financial aid awarded for housing will be refunded to the sponsor, not to the student. Further information on the housing application and refund policy is contained in the housing contracts.
Women's Center
The Grand Valley Women's Center focuses on services and programs that support and enhance the growth of all students at the university through gender education. Ultimately, the Women's Center strives to make a substantial difference in the quality of life for women in the Grand Valley community and surrounding area. The center serves as a place of education and involvement for anyone seeking to further their knowledge and/or advocate on the status of women. The center creates an environment where students in increase self-awareness, connect with resources, apply skills, conduct research, and perform service learning on gender equality. The Women's Center is committed to creating an environment in which the diversity of women is affirmed and appreciated. In response, programs and services are offered in a variety of formats and on many topics. In addition to programs and services, the Women's Center is also a physical space that provides an area for people to relax in the lounge, complete academic work at study tables, seek resources from the information desk, host meetings, or check out books. The Women's Center is located in 161 Kirkhof Center. Telephone (616) 331-2748, visit our Web site at www.gvsu.edu/women_cen, or email womenctr@gvsu.edu.