2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Art Education (Teacher Certification)
The art education program enables students to meet certification requirements for teaching visual art in Michigan elementary and secondary schools.
Degree Requirements
All students entering art education must follow the program leading to LQ certification (K-12 comprehensive with no teachable minor).
Entering students in art education or degree-holding students wishing teacher certification must complete 75 credits in art, including four introductory studios and a studio emphasis chosen from ceramics, graphic design, illustration, jewelry/metalsmithing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, or visual studies.
General Education
In the GVSU general education requirements, the Foundations section lists ART 101 - Introduction to Art as a choice. ART 101 is not required for the B.F.A., B.A., or B.S. in Visual and Media Arts programs. Some of the material in Art 101 will be duplicated in the required coursework. Studio arts and art education majors are advised to take one of the other classes in the general education Arts category.
Requirements for a Major in Art Education
B.A. Degree Requirements
- Foreign language (third-semester proficiency in a foreign language).
B.S. Degree Requirements (Credits: 9)
- CIS 150 - Introduction to Computing (3 credits)
- STA 215 - Introductory Applied Statistics (3 credits)
- STA 216 - Intermediate Applied Statistics (3 credits) OR HST 290 - Research Methods in History (3 credits)
Foundations Review and Courses
After completing the foundations program (ART 150, ART 151, ART 152, ART 153, ART 155, ART 157), all art students are evaluated for entrance into the design and fine arts programs. All art students are required to submit their collective work for faculty review.
Foundations Credits: 18 (Must be taken during freshman year)
- ART 150 - Foundations: 2-D Design (3 credits)
- ART 151 - Foundations: 3-D Design (3 credits)
- ART 152 - Foundations: Color and Design (3 credits)
- ART 153 - Foundations: Making and Meaning in Art and Design (3 credits)
- ART 155 - Foundations: Introduction to Drawing I (3 credits)
- ART 157 - Foundations: Introduction to Drawing II (3 credits)
Art History Requirements Credits: 12
- Art History electives Credits: 6
- ART 221 - Survey of Art History I (3 credits)
- ART 222 - Survey of Art History II (3 credits)
Art Education Requirements
- ART 332 - Introduction to Art Education (3 credits)
- ART 333 - Curriculum Development and Practice (3 credits)
- ART 335 - Digital Creativity (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
Note: Art methodology courses (ART 332, ART 333, and ART 335) must be taken before arranging for teacher assisting and directed teaching. Students should consult the College of Education for the specific requirements concerning teacher assisting and student directed teaching.
Note: Completion of the art history requirements (see above) of the B.A. or B.S. program is a prerequisite for ART 495.
Four introductory studio courses at the 200- level. Complete four courses by selecting the corresponding coursework from the following list:
- ART 210 - Graphic Design I (3 credits)
- ART 245 - Introduction to Jewelry and Metalsmithing (3 credits)
- ART 260 - Introduction to Painting (3 credits)
- ART 265 - Introduction to Printmaking (3 credits)
- ART 270 - Introduction to Sculpture (3 credits)
- ART 275 - Introduction to Ceramics (3 credits)
- ART 281 - Introduction to Illustration (3 credits)
Two drawing courses selected from:
- ART 257 - Life Drawing (3 credits)
- ART 258 - Intermediate Drawing (3 credits)
- ART 355 - Advanced Drawing I (3 credits)
Three studio courses selected from one emphasis area:
- Two intermediate studio emphasis courses Credits: 6
- One advanced studio emphasis course Credits: 3
Two studio art or art education electives Credits: 6
Additional Requirements
Prerequisite courses required prior to admission to undergraduate teacher education:
- PSY 301 - Child Development Credits: 1 to 3
- EDF 315 - Diverse Perspectives on Education (3 credits)
- EDI 337 - Introduction to Learning and Assessment (3 credits)
- Requirements for admission to assisted and student-directed teaching, please consult with art education/COE advisor for specific requirements.
Note: These prerequisite courses require a 2.7 GPA or better, with no grade lower than a C.
Passing scores (reading and writing component must be passed with a score of 480 or higher, and mathematics component must be passed with a score of 530 or higher) on the SAT Evidence-based test will be required prior to admission to the College of Education. Passing scores on the Content Area (#095- Visual Arts Education) test will be required prior to obtaining certification. The Content Area (#095) test can be taken during teacher assisting, student teaching, or before graduation. MTTC website: www.mttc.nesinc.com.
Prerequisites to College of Education Application (9 credits)
A 3.0 GPA in the major, passing score on the SAT Evidence-Based test, and completion of EDF 315, EDI 337, and PSY 301 with a grade of C or better are required before admission to College of Education's Teacher Assisting semester.
Certificate requirement: Pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) www.mttc.nesinc.com, #95 Visual Arts Education, in the content area before graduation.