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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Badge in Web and Mobile Computing

The School of Computing's web and mobile computing badge (not a degree or certificate) is designed to prepare students in the following areas:

  • Design a stand-alone native mobile application on a modern mobile platform.
  • Develop a web-based applications using a modern web stack.
  • Explain the primary challenges and tradeoffs in designing distributed systems.
  • Specify the requirements for a database application and then implement it using EER modeling, schema design and normalization, SQL/DDL, SQL/DML, stored procedures, and database triggers.
  • Describe details of data communications and computer networks including TCP/IP protocol stack.
  • Analyze security threats to computer networks and how to protect against threats.

Program Format

The Web and Mobile Computing Badge is comprised of three courses (9 credits).


Completion of a Bachelor's degree, and evidence of object-oriented programming skill is required for admission.

Program Location

The Web and Mobile Computing Badge is offered on Pew Campus in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Requirements for the Web and Mobile Computing Badge

And one of:

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.