2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]
Badge in Foundations of Tax Practice
The School of Accounting's foundations of tax practice badge (not a degree or a certificate) is designed to prepare students for entry-level tax research, planning, and preparation for corporations, partnerships, estates, gifts, and trusts, including tasks such as:
- Explain the techniques of tax research and formal written communication.
- Explain the hierarchy of tax law sources, including the Internal Revenue Code, case law, administrative regulations, and administrative ruling.
- Research and provide tax law conclusions for tax issues posited by various tax fact patterns regarding:
- taxability of corporations and their shareholders, corporate formation, non-liquidating distributions, and redemptions
- transfer tax rules, including estate tax inclusion, marital deductions, exemption amounts, gift taxes, and annual exclusions, formation and operation of partnerships, including receipt of a partnership interest for services, liquidations, terminations, distributions and sales of partnership interest, calculation of basis, special basis adjustments, decedent partner issues, and LLCs
The School of Accounting is accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), a seal of approval employers' trust.
Admission Requirements
Completion of a bachelor's degree in accounting, with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Alternatively, Seidman College accounting students with senior standing who have completed ACC 310, ACC 311, and ACC 340 with a grade of B or better, who have no more than 35 credits left to complete their undergraduate degree requirements, and who have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Applicants seeking this badge while undergraduate or dual-enrolled students must specify whether each course will count toward their current undergraduate degree or a future graduate degree.
Badge Requirements
The foundation of the tax practice badge is comprised of four courses (12 credits) that are offered on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus at the L William Seidman Center in downtown Grand Rapids. The badge may be completed fully online, with courses offered synchronously or asynchronously online.