2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]
Secondary Teacher Certification - Secondary Education Major: 5-12 and PK-12 Emphases
Secondary Education Major for Grades 5-12 Emphasis
To earn Secondary Teacher Certification, middle school (grades 5-9) and/or high school (grades 7-12), all GVSU students must complete the Secondary Education Major: 5-12 emphasis through the College of Education and Community Innovation and a disciplinary content major from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Courses in this program meet Michigan Department of Education (MDE) requirements for Secondary Education grades 5-9 and 7-12.
Requirements for the Secondary Education Major: 5-12 (42 credits)
The Michigan State Board of Education sets standards for the preparation of teachers of middle school (grades 5-9) and high school (grade 7-12) education. These standards ensure that novice teachers are prepared to enact high quality instruction in one or more content areas; address the needs of the whole child; use relevant, research-based criteria to establish a supportive, engaging environment that fosters learning; and use practices that meet individual adolescent's needs. As such, standards include Learner-Centered Supports, Ethics and Professional Growth, and Strategic Partnerships, that are related to professional knowledge and skills and describe what beginning teachers should know and be able to do regardless of the specific discipline area of specialization or instruction. Students complete several field experiences embedded throughout the program.
Secondary Education Major: 5-12 Candidates must stake each of the following core courses (15 credits)
- EDF 115 - Introduction to Education: An Exploration of Schooling in America (3 credits)
- EDR 225 - Introduction to Teaching Multilingual Learners (3 credits)
- EDF 260 - Educational Research and Assessment: Foundations of Practice (3 credits)
- EDF 315 - Diverse Perspectives on Education (3 credits)
- PSY 331 - Adolescent Development (3 credits)
Application Required for the Clinical Apprenticeship (15 credits)
- *EDR 321 - Disciplinary Literacy (3 credits)
- *EDS 319 - Universal Design for Learning: Secondary (3 credits)
- *EDT 477 - Teaching Adolescents with Technology (3 credits)
- EDI 332 - Sec Apprentice Content Seminar (2 credits)
Choose the apprenticeship field experience that aligns with your content area major grade level(s)
- EDI 331 - Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar: 5-12 (4 credits) OR EDI 333 - Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar: 5-9 (4 credits) OR EDI 334 - Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar: 7-12 (4 credits)
*Must be taken concurrently with the clinical apprenticeship course
Application Required for the Clinical Internship (12 credits)
All secondary 5-12 candidates take
- EDI 432 - Secondary and PK-12 Internship: Disciplinary Content Seminar (2 credits)
- EDF 495 - Capstone: Reflective Inquiry and Practice (3 credits)
(may be taken after EDI 431 but before certification)
Choose the internship field experience that aligns with your content area major grade level(s)-
- **EDI 431 - Secondary Teacher Internship and Seminar: 5-12 (7 credits) OR
- **EDI 433 - Secondary Teacher Internship and Seminar: 5-9 (7 credits) OR
- **EDI 434 - Secondary Teacher Internship and Seminar: 7-12 (7 credits)
** B- or better required in EDI 331, EDI 433, or EDI 434
Candidates will be placed in academically, culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse settings.
In addition to the Secondary Education Major: 5-12 candidates must complete a secondary disciplinary content major in one of the following.
- Major in English - Secondary English Education Emphasis
- Major in Mathematics - Secondary Certification Emphasis, Dual Band 5-12
- Major in Mathematics - Secondary Certification Emphasis, Single Band 5-9
- Integrated Science - Secondary Education
- Major in Social Studies - Secondary Emphasis
B.S. Course Requirements
The B.S. requirements are satisfied through completion of a secondary disciplinary content major.
B.A. Course Requirements
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts in the secondary education 5-12 major must demonstrate third-semester proficiency in a foreign language by successfully completing a 201-level language course, passing a proficiency exam in the language chosen, or through AP credit.
Requirements for the Secondary Education Major Program PK-12 Emphasis (42 credits)
The Michigan State Board of Education sets standards for the preparation of teachers of PK-12 education. These standards ensure that PK-12 novice teachers have a strong understanding of the developmental stages of the students as well as sufficient depth and breadth of discipline specific knowledge and skills. The standards also ensure that novice teachers are prepared to enact high quality instruction in one or more content areas; address the needs of the whole child; use relevant, research-based criteria to establish a supportive, engaging environment that fosters learning; and use practices that meet individual adolescents needs. As such, standards include Learner-Centered Supports, Ethics and Professional Growth, and Strategic Partnerships, that are related to professional knowledge and skills and describe what beginning teachers should know and be able to do regardless of the specific discipline area of specialization or instruction. Students complete several field experiences embedded throughout the program.
Requirements for the Secondary Education Major: PK-12 (15 credits)
All PK-12 Candidates must take (15 credits)
- EDF 115 - Introduction to Education: An Exploration of Schooling in America (3 credits)
- EDR 225 - Introduction to Teaching Multilingual Learners (3 credits)
- EDF 260 - Educational Research and Assessment: Foundations of Practice (3 credits)
- EDF 315 - Diverse Perspectives on Education (3 credits)
- Choose one from the following:
Application Required for the Clinical Apprenticeship (15 credits)
- *EDR 321 - Disciplinary Literacy (3 credits)
- EDI 332 - Sec Apprentice Content Seminar (2 credits)
- EDI 335 - PK-12 Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar (4 credits)
Choose one from the following:
- EDS 318 - Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Difficulties (3 credits)
- *EDS 319 - Universal Design for Learning: Secondary (3 credits)
Choose one from the following:
- EDT 476 - Teaching with Technology (3 credits)
- *EDT 477 - Teaching Adolescents with Technology (3 credits)
*Must be taken concurrently with the clinical apprenticeship course
Application Required for the Clinical Internship (12 credits)
All secondary PK-12 candidates take
- EDI 432 - Secondary and PK-12 Internship: Disciplinary Content Seminar (2 credits)
- EDF 495 - Capstone: Reflective Inquiry and Practice (3 credits)
(may be taken after EDI 431 but before certification) - ***EDI 435 - PK-12 Teacher Internship and Seminar (7 credits)
*** B- or better required in EDI 435
Candidates will be placed in academically, culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse settings.
In addition to the Secondary Education Major PK-12 Emphasis candidates must complete a PK-12 disciplinary content major in one of the following.
- Art Education
- Health and Physical Education
- French Education
- German Education
- Latin Education
- Music Education
- Spanish Education
B.S. Course Requirements
The B.S. requirements are satisfied through completion of a PK-12 content area major.
B.A. Course Requirements
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts in the Secondary Education major PK-12 emphasis must demonstrate third-semester proficiency in a foreign language by successfully completing a 201-level language course, passing a proficiency exam in the language chosen, or through AP credit.
Secondary Education Major Suggested Course Sequence 5-12
Year One:
- EDF 115 - Introduction to Education: An Exploration of Schooling in America (3 credits) (Foundations - Social and Behavioral Sciences)
- Courses from a 5-9 or 5-12 disciplinary content major
Year Two:
- PSY 331 - Adolescent Development (3 credits)
- EDR 225 - Introduction to Teaching Multilingual Learners (3 credits) (Cultures - Global Perspective)
- Courses from a 5-9 or 5-12 disciplinary content major
Year Three:
- EDF 260 - Educational Research and Assessment: Foundations of Practice (3 credits)
- EDF 315 - Diverse Perspectives on Education (3 credits) (Cultures - US Diversity)
- Courses from a 5-9 or 5-12 disciplinary content major
Year Four - Fall:
- EDI 331 - Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar: 5-12 (4 credits) or EDI 333 - Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar: 5-9 (4 credits) or EDI 334 - Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar: 7-12 (4 credits)
- EDI 332 - Sec Apprentice Content Seminar (2 credits)
- EDR 321 - Disciplinary Literacy (3 credits) (SWS)
- EDS 319 - Universal Design for Learning: Secondary (3 credits) (Issues - Human Rights)
- EDT 477 - Teaching Adolescents with Technology (3 credits) (Issues - Information, Innovation, or Technology)
Year Four - Winter:
- EDI 431 - Secondary Teacher Internship and Seminar: 5-12 (7 credits) or EDI 433 - Secondary Teacher Internship and Seminar: 5-9 (7 credits) or EDI 434 - Secondary Teacher Internship and Seminar: 7-12 (7 credits)
- EDI 432 - Secondary and PK-12 Internship: Disciplinary Content Seminar (2 credits)
- EDF 495 - Capstone: Reflective Inquiry and Practice (3 credits)
Secondary Education Major Suggested Course Sequence PK-12
Year One:
- EDF 115 - Introduction to Education: An Exploration of Schooling in America (3 credits) (Foundations - Social and Behavioral Sciences)
- Courses from a PK-12 disciplinary content major
Year Two:
- PSY 301 - Child Development (3 credits) or PSY 331 - Adolescent Development (3 credits)
- EDR 225 - Introduction to Teaching Multilingual Learners (3 credits) (Cultures - Global Perspective)
- Courses from a PK-12 disciplinary content major
Year Three:
- EDF 260 - Educational Research and Assessment: Foundations of Practice (3 credits)
- EDF 315 - Diverse Perspectives on Education (3 credits) (Cultures - US Diversity)
- Courses from a PK-12 disciplinary content major
Year Four - Fall:
- EDI 335 - PK-12 Teacher Apprenticeship and Seminar (4 credits)
- EDI 332 - Sec Apprentice Content Seminar (2 credits)
- EDR 321 - Disciplinary Literacy (3 credits) (SWS) or EDR 320 - Language and Literacy: Development, Assessment, and Instruction (3 credits) (SWS)
- EDS 319 - Universal Design for Learning: Secondary (3 credits) (Issues - Human Rights) or EDS 318 - Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Difficulties (3 credits)
- EDT 477 - Teaching Adolescents with Technology (3 credits) (Issues - Information, Innovation, or Technology) or EDT 476 - Teaching with Technology (3 credits) (Issues - Information, Innovation, or Technology)
Year Four - Winter: