2024 Groundswell Summer Institute Recap

September 03, 2024

2024 Groundswell Summer Institute Recap

The 2024 Summer Institute was a three-day workshop for our educators and partners and provided a deep-dive into place-based stewardship education. Educator and local partner participants conducted community scans of the downtown campus, learned about partnerships through hands-on programing at the Public Museum, researched water quality by sampling a local creek for macroinvertebrates, and even conducted their own stewardship project: painting and installing rain barrels at the Downtown Community Garden! The days were packed with content and immersive learning. Participants showed up each day ready to learn and engage alongside the Groundswell team, and fantastic visiting presenters from the museum, local non-profits, and other field experts contributed their facilitation to a great professional learning opportunity. Overall, teachers received 21 SCECH credits for attending, a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the three days, and a surplus of resources to take back to their school or organization. Groundswell offers professional learning opportunities for educators throughout the academic year; go to gvsu.edu/groundswell to learn more! 

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Page last modified September 3, 2024