Rood co-published the 8th edition of their textbook

May 05, 2023

Rood co-published the 8th edition of their textbook

Assistant Professor in Hospitality and Tourism Management, A. Scott Rood, along with other internal and external colleagues, published their 8th edition of Introduction to Commercial Recreation and Tourism: An Entrepreneurial Approach.  This is the premier text in this field and is used in over 175 college/university programs.

As we all know the pandemic devastated the hospitality and tourism industry. In the introduction Rood writes:

“…This edition was written in 2022 as the world continued to react and adjust to living with COVID-19. This subject is discussed in nearly every chapter as we researched and discuss impacts and changes to the tourism industry, its providers, and its customers. Another con­temporary development is the rise of retail cannabis operations and its connections to tourism and hospitality. The spotlight in Chapter 2 discusses that subject. Throughout the book, the authors discuss other contemporary influences and changes, including a complete re-write of the marketing information in Chapter 6…”

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Page last modified May 5, 2023