Alumni Spotlights

Samantha Allman '20

Samantha Allman '20

Ministry Assistant

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
I graduated in the middle of COVID, which made for some uncertainty as to where my journey would lead me. I had been working at an after-school program with elementary students at the time. So, when everything shut down I called my director in a panic unsure of what to do. She had me come in and we made a plan for my next steps. I worked at our church distributing food for the hungry, coordinating volunteer opportunities, and continuing to help families in need of care that were emergency workers. From there I thrived in my role and am now working in administration here at our center full time. This isn't where I thought I would be after graduation, considering I got my certification in Secondary Education Mathematics. But that's how life can pan out sometimes.

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
My favorite Grand Valley memory has got to be every moment in the College of Education. I became so close with my cohort because we took every class together, worked on math proofs, and collaborated on teaching strategies together.

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
The best piece of advice I ever received is to be present in the moment. So often we get so caught up in what's to come and don't take time to enjoy what is. Throughout high school and college, there is so much focus on what our futures hold when it comes to education and career. But, sometimes that doesn't let us just enjoy what's happening in front of us. Enjoy those Laker Nights screaming "LAKER UP" in the stands, hanging out with friends in Kirkhof, navigating Mackinaw, and making every moment count.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Three words that would describe my Grand Valley experience would be Collaborative, Inspiring, and Creative.

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
A difference that I would like to make in the world is to inspire students/children to see the world with joy, love in their hearts, and being openly curious.

February 2023

Interest Area(s)
Education-Middle Second Teach, Mathematics

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Page last modified February 9, 2023