
Nicole Rister '18, is featured in Alumni in 10

Nicole Rister '18, is featured in Alumni in 10

Catering Sales Manager/Holiday Inn Grand Rapids Downtown

Degree Earned/Emphasis Area
Bachelor's in Hospitality Management/Event Management emphasis

1. What has your journey been since graduation?
It has been a little bit of a roller coaster and it definitely has not been as easy as I anticipated, nor did I wind up where I expected, but I am very happy with my path so far. After graduation I worked for GVSU Conference and Event Planning for a bit before accepting a position with Aramark as the Catering Coordinator for the Allendale Campus, which eventually led to my current position as the Catering Sales Manager at the Holiday Inn Grand Rapids Downtown.

2. How has Grand Valley had a role in your journey?
Grand Valley was a huge part of my journey since graduating, with my connections and positions that I've held all connecting and leading me to my position that I am in today.

3. What is your favorite Grand Valley memory?
It's so hard to pick just one! I'd say my favorite was celebrating graduation with my closest friends and taking pictures in our cap and gowns on the blue bridge. Everyone does it, but it really felt so special and was one of my last memories from my college experience.

4. What three words describe your experience at Grand Valley?
Growth, Experiences, and Family

5. How, and why, have you stayed involved with Grand Valley since graduation?
I have stayed involved with Grand Valley through organizing Grand Valley Hospitality Alumni meet up opportunities and have attended all of them, which includes volunteering with Michigan Cares for Tourism.

6. Why are you proud to be a Laker for a Lifetime?
I am proud to be a Laker for a Lifetime because I think Grand Valley is one of the best environments to experience your college career in. I grew both in my personal life and professional life through my experiences and created a network of people I will hold onto dearly for the rest of my life.

7. What do you like to do for fun?
I love visiting all of our local craft breweries here in Grand Rapids, spending time with friends, exploring the lakeshore in the summer, and my new-found hobby of painting.

8. What is your favorite quote/motto to live by?
"I was once afraid of people saying 'who does she think she is?' Now I have the courage to stand and say, 'This is who I am'" - Oprah Winfrey

9. What motivates you?
I believe I motivate myself. I was born with a strong hunger for perfection, creativity, and to feel that I am successful. While I am my main motivator, I also of course want to make my parents proud, as well as provide a strong female figure for my 2 younger sisters to look up to.

10. What book or movie have you recently enjoyed?
I recently read The Alchemist for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it!

January 2020

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Page last modified March 9, 2020