April 2019 Challenge Winners
The Zombie Apocalypse
ABOUT: Community-wide emergencies and disasters can occur at any time; it is imperative that individuals and communities have defined disaster plans in place to respond to unexpected events. The Zombie Apocalypse project is a collaboration between Grand Valley State University Kirkhof College of Nursing, The Other Way, and Servant's Church. The purpose of this project is to educate community members on how to respond to a disaster by sponsoring a Halloween Haunted/Fun House using an impending zombie apocalypse as the theme. As participants go from room to room, they will encounter potential zombie disasters while learning how to mitigate the dangers by being prepared. Since community members have better outcomes in disasters when they are aware of community resources and have social networks for support, programs and services offered at The Other Way and Servant's Church will also be highlighted. As recommended by the federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), teaching will include how to prepare an emergency supply kit to get a family through at least the first 24 hours of a disaster, along with laminated disaster education cards. Participant families will receive a backpack in which to collect their emergency supplies. This event is planned as a yearly event.

Winner of full $5,000