Civil Discourse Symposium 2019

Civil Discourse Café: Complicated Conversations

You are invited to join the communities of GVSU and West Michigan at the 2019 Padnos/Sarosik Civil Discourse Symposium, Civil Discourse Café: Complicated Conversations.

Can we talk? These days it is likely you have had a discussion that has turned intense and have found yourself wondering, “How could someone think that?" Many conversations today are becoming increasingly polarized. However, our society cannot function well if we refuse to engage with people who have different views. Democracy depends on respectful disagreement — even when it’s fundamental and intense disagreement. Are we only hearing from and talking to people who already agree with us? This interactive event will focus on practicing civil discourse with one another as we share a variety of perspectives around issues of water and equity in our local and global communities.

This interactive event will focus on practicing civil discourse with one another as we share a variety of perspectives around issues of water and equity in our local and global communities. Guest speakers include Peter Sinclair, a videographer who specializes in climate change and renewable energy issues, and Lin Bardwell, Grand Rapids Community Relations commissioner and project coordinator for GVSU's Division of Inclusion and Equity. The event ties with Grand Valley's two-year initiative, Making Waves About Water, which creates opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, resources and activities surrounding the natural resource.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Paul A. Johnson Conference Hall of the L.V. Eberhard Center on GVSU's Pew Campus. Open to all faculty, staff, student, alumni, and community members.

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Page last modified August 31, 2020