CLAS Faculty Governance Committees

The College has five elected faculty governance committees. During the first year of the College, a task force designed the current system and elections were held to constitute the CLAS Curriculum Committee, the CLAS Faculty Council, the CLAS Faculty Development Committee and the CLAS Personnel Committee. In 2017, bylaws for a faculty governance committee for Affiliates were approved, creating the first election for members of the CLAS Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee.  


CLAS Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee

The CLAS Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee meets once a month on Fridays from 1 - 2:30 p.m.

The CLAS Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (CAFAC) advises the Dean on issues concerning Affiliate faculty, such as working conditions, workload, the evaluation process, opportunities for development and advancement, and roles within respective units.  It reviews current policies and makes recommendations to the Dean.  Through its work, the committee strives to strengthen the integration of the Affiliate community within their respective departments and across CLAS.

Chair Julie White (2018-2019); Marcia Frobish (2019-2022). The Current Chair is Becky Bergakker.

CAFAC bylaws


Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee (TT) meets on Friday afternoons from 2:00-4:00 pm.

The CLAS Curriculum Committee (CCC) reviews and recommends to the Dean on all curricular matters, including proposals for new courses or programs, course and program changes, program requirements, and general education courses. CCC reviews proposals for potential overlap with, or effect on, other disciplines, units, or colleges.  This assists the College with communication and coordination among affected disciplines, units, and colleges.

The numbers of curriculum proposals considered by year are:

2004-2005 = 132

2005-2006 = 118

2006-2007 = 87

2007-2008 = 89

2008-2009 = 168

2009-2010 = 206

2010-2011 = 157

2011-2012 = 79 by the date of the 2012 Sabbatical Showcase

2012-2013 = 130

2013-2014= 125

2014-2015= 112

2015-2016= 135

2016-2017= 168

2017-2018= 84, also reviewed SOR=800+



Sherril Soman was chair 2005-2006.  Mary Schutten served as chair for 2006-2007 and 2008-2009 with Karen Gipson serving as interim chair in Winter 2007.  Paul Murphy was chair in Winter 2009.  Bruce Ostrow was chair in 2009-2010. Carolyn Shapiro-Shapin was chair 2010-2012.  Judi Corr (Winter 2013).   Regina Smith (now Koehler) (2013-2015).  Darren Parker  (Fall 2016 and 2017-18). Beth Gibbs (Winter 2016). Tamara Schreiner (2018-2019).  Regina Koehler (2019-2021). Chris Reed (2021-2023). The current chair is Bruce Ostrow. 

CCC Bylaws


Faculty Council

Faculty Council (TT) meets alternate Wednesdays 2 - 4 p.m.

The CLAS Faculty Council (CFC) serves as the executive committee of faculty governance within CLAS and represents the general interests of the CLAS faculty collectively. Its responsibilities include conducting elections within the College, reviewing the functioning of all standing CLAS committees, forming committees as necessary, and facilitating and supervising referenda and assemblies. The CFC serves as liaison between the faculty and the Dean, advising the Dean on policies and issues within CLAS, such as budget, the feasibility and desirability of new programs, and staff support for CLAS committees.

CFC has provided advice to the Dean and other CLAS administrators about issues of importance to CLAS faculty, such as the textbook authoring policy, interdisciplinary teaching and scholarship, whether the Dean should be present at personnel meetings, fall break, the Standards & Criteria for Personnel Evaluation, etc.

The first meeting of this committee took place in August 2005.  Ed Aboufadel was chair for 2005-2007.  Jodee Hunt (2007-2009).  Grace Coolidge (2009-2011). Colleen Lewis  (2011-2013).  George Lundskow (2013-2014). Stephen Matchett (2014-2016). David Kurjiaka (2016-2017 ) Michael Henshaw. (2017-2018).  David Kurjiaka (2018-2019). Arthur Campbell (2019-2021).  Len O'Kelly (2021-2022). Sally Ross (2022-23). The current chair is Ernest Park.

CLAS Faculty Council Bylaws


Faculty Development Committee

The Faculty Development Committee (TT) meets on Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 pm.

The CLAS Faculty Development Committee (FDC) advises the Dean on faculty development in teaching, scholarship, and service. This includes the mentoring of new faculty consistent with the goals of liberal learning. The FDC reviews and recommends to the CLAS Personnel Committee on sabbatical leave requests, and to the Dean on university-wide awards. The committee also advises the Dean on assisting faculty and student research collaboration, and will support faculty in the grant proposal process as a liaison between CLAS and internal and external audiences.

The FDC came into existence in 2005.  The numbers of sabbatical proposals considered by year are:

2005-2006:  39

2006-2007:  32 

2007-2008:  39

2008-2009:  52

2009-2010:  62

2010-2011:  47

2011-2012:  53

2013-2014: 55

2014-2015: 40

2015-2016: 46

2016-2017= 61



A procedural change in 2019 moved sabbatical reviews to a University-level committee to make it seem like a more permanent statement

Matthew Boelkins served as chair 2005-2008. Darren Walhof chaired FDC for 2008-2009. Steve Matchett (2009-2011). David Stark (2011-2013. Heather Van Wormer (2013-2015).  Caitlin Horrocks (2015-2016). Shannon Biros (2017-2021). The current chair is Bob Pearson.

Faculty Development Committee Bylaws


Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee (TT) meets on Fridays from 3 - 5 p.m.  They can extend into early evening during February and March when the workload is heaviest.

The CLAS Personnel Committee (CPC) reviews and recommends to the Dean on all contract renewals, promotion and tenure decisions, dismissal for adequate cause, as well as on personnel policies and issues. 

The CPC came into existence in 2005.  The numbers of personnel cases reviewed by year are:

2005-2006:  105

2006-2007:   72

2007-2008:  106

2008-2009:  73

2009-2010:   96

2010-2011:   82  

2011-2012:  81

2012-2013: 81

2013-2014: 76

2014-2015: 63

2015-2016: 31

2016-2017= 58





Sheldon Kopperl served as chair for 2005-2006.  Charles Norris was chair for 2006-2008.  Figen Mekik (2008-2010).  George McBane (2010-2012). Melissa Morison (2012-2014).  Don Anderson (2014-2015).  Mark Williams (2015-2017). Colleen Lewis (2017-2019). Christopher Lawrence.(2019-2021). The current chair is Dan Graser (Shelly Smith for F23)..

CLAS Personnel Committee Bylaws 


Page last modified August 29, 2023