Teach Together Potential Partners
On this page you will find a list, sorted by unit, of faculty who are interested in collaborative teaching.
If you would like to join them in identifying yourself as a person open to teaching collaborations, please provide your details on this online form. You can copy the Teach Together button to display on your profile page or use the words Teach Together to make your profile page easier to find in a Google search by potential collaborators.
Annis Water Resource Institute (AWRI)
Art and Design (See Visual and Media Arts)
Autism Center (Statewide Autism Resources and Training--START)
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Biomedical Sciences
Babasola Fateye [I am interested in co-teaching gen ed classes that introduce students to laboratory research models. Ideal target would be first- and second-year students who are science non-majors (or undecided). Co-teaching partner could be anyone in the humanities, social or bench science disciplines with interests or personal experience in alternative health practices. Examples of student projects in similar classes in the past have looked at the historical and contemporary use of herbals, and titles of final student presentations include "the anxiolytic effect of lavender oil in Caenorhabditis elegans", "Effect of chamomile tea on motility in thrashing in worms" etc. I am open to discussing ideas. About me - primarily a pharmacologist/ toxicologist; Other: licensed RPh]
Cell and Molecular Biology
Charles Pazdernik [Greece, Rome, law, politics, history, historiography, literature, late antiquity, Byzantium, gamification, RTTP]
Geography and Sustainable Planning
Modern Languages and Literatures
Movement Science
Steven Glass [Exercise and the heart, Heart disease and cardiac rehab, Biochemistry of exercise and training, Activation of muscles and movement during exercise and rehabilitation. "I am interested in the application of exercise as a therapy to change the body’s physiology, so anything in the health, wellness, muscle areas. I have also taught the Honors College course “Human Body in Motion”, which combined physics and chemistry with exercise science (i.e. understand levers, then apply this to a human body training and straining during movement, or chemistry of combustion of fats and carbohydrates, and the human body using these for energy production)"]
Nicholas Lerma [I'm interested in the interaction of biological aging and human movement and how the physical and social environment can influence physical activity and functioning.]
Music, Theatre, and Dance
Beth Gibbs [Education; Reflective practice; Synthesizing knowledge and experiences to create art; Societal, cultural, historical contexts within the arts]
Joshua Veazey [Physics in the Life Sciences]
Political Science
Whitt Kilburn [text mining, elections and voting behavior, US politics, data visualization, digital humanities, survey research, applied statistics in social research, public opinion measurement, R programming}
Jennifer Gross (Cognitive science in intuitive design, human factors, engineering psychology.)
Bradford Dykes [Data visualization, computing, and analysis; guest lectures; science and art]
Visual and Media Arts
Sigrid Danielson [visual and material culture in medieval and early-modern contexts; arts and Islam, both historic and contemporary transnationalism; histories of collecting and museums; 19th century art in the US; inclusive and global approaches in medieval studies; transcultural Renaissance studies; medievalism; art history and theory; images in the classroom; new pedagogies in art history; digital humanities]
Vinicius Lima [graphic design, design, non-profits, campaigns, web design, mobile applications, communication design, advertising, promotional materials, branding, layouts, publications, history, science]
Renee Zettle-Sterling [jewelry/metalsmithing/sculpture/design]
Caitlin Horrocks [creative writing: fiction and creative nonfiction]