Wrestling Individual Registration 24-25

This registration form must be completed before any activity with the team listed. This form includes liability waivers and necessary information collection. 

By filling out this form, the athlete is not guaranteed a competitive roster spot on the club. 

***Please note information submitted on this form is shared with club sport administration, coaches, and team leaders. 

* denotes a required field

General Athlete Information

Waiver & Liability Release

I hereby declare, assert and affirm that my participation in Grand Valley State University Club Sports is done having voluntarily and knowingly assumed all risks involved in this program. The physical risk(s) associated are those correlated with normal, vigorous physical activity.  These risks include but are not limited to, bodily discomfort and fatigue, muscular soreness, pulled or strained muscles, overuse injuries/soft tissue damage, bodily injury resulting from falls, and the rare instance of abnormal changes/responses of the cardiopulmonary system to exercise.  Adverse responses include abnormal blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, and the very rare instance of heart attack, stroke, or sudden death.

In consideration of acceptance of this contract allowing my participation in Club Sports and intending to be legally bound thereby, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, WAIVE AND RELEASE any and all rights and claims for negligence, injuries, damages or losses that I may incur while involved in Club Sports, specifically Grand Valley State University, it’s respective employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns for any and all activities connected with Club Sports.  If I am a Grand Valley employee, I also understand that I do hereby WAIVE any and all rights or benefits under the State of Michigan Worker's Compensation laws for any injury incurred as a result of my participation in this program. 

Participant Agreement

Please carefully read the GVSU Student Code of Conduct.

As a participating athlete in the GVSU Club Sport Program, I agree to abide by the following:

I will conduct myself accordingly, responsibly, and professionally in congruence with the Club Sport Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct at all Club Sport-sponsored activities. 

I understand that my actions may adversely affect my team, the Club Sport Program, Recreation & Wellness, and Grand Valley State University.

I will represent GVSU, the Division of Student Affairs, Recreation & Wellness, and my club in a professional, positive manner, and always in congruence with the Club Sport Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct.

I will show respect to all team members and Recreation & Wellness employees. 

I will adhere to all Recreation & Wellness policies and procedures. These include the Club Sport Handbook, facility policies and procedures, my club's National Governing Body policies, and other University policies and procedures, including the Student Code of Conduct.

Please carefully read the GVSU Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.

Please carefully read the GVSU Hazing Policy.

Please carefully read the GVSU Wrestling Club Constitution 

Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature *

My signature below affirms that I have read and agree to all of the above content regarding my participation in the GVSU Club Sports Program, and that this Agreement is binding throughout my entire duration as a student at Grand Valley State University.

Emergency Contact Information

Human Verification *

Page last modified September 3, 2024