Dr. Erik Fredericks
Research Interests
Software Engineering
Evolutionary Computation
Cyber-Physical Systems
Self-Adaptive Systems
Procedural Content Generation
Professional Activities
Continuing service to journals, conferences, and various workshops. Please see this link for a full list.
Personal Interests
Hockey; Figuring out how many different things I can do with a Raspberry Pi for projects at home. research and for class demos/projects; Learning new tools and techniques for video game design yet never finding enough time to complete one (but at least being able to demonstrate cool things to students); Traveling to Europe whenever possible.
Teaching Interests
System administration, video game design/computer graphics, software engineering, web design, & Software engineering special topics (search-based software engineering coupled with cyber-physical systems)
Recent Publications
Research Projects with Students
- Search-based software engineering on cyber-physical systems (investigations using Arduino/Raspberry Pi, Robot Operating System (ROS), and Unity).
- Searching for Zoom privacy violations on Twitter
- Creating generative art via genetic improvement
- Developing an interactive web application to support K-12 students on experiencing their surroundings via creative cartography
- Developing a robotic dog for run-time software engineering research
- Enhancing software assurance for procedural content generation and video games
Grants and Fellowships
Michigan Space Grant Consortium – Research Seed Grant
GVSU Kindschi Fellowship
GVSU OURS Remote Undergraduate Assistant
GVSU RISE Summer Research
Google Cloud Research Program
GVSU CSCE Collaborative Research Program