Dr. Erik Fredericks

Erik Fredericks

Contact Information

E-mail Address: frederer@gvsu.edu

Phone Number: (616) 331-4374

Research Interests

Software Engineering

Evolutionary Computation

Cyber-Physical Systems

Self-Adaptive Systems

Procedural Content Generation

Professional Activities

Continuing service to journals, conferences, and various workshops. Please see this link for a full list.

Personal Interests

Hockey; Figuring out how many different things I can do with a Raspberry Pi for projects at home. research and for class demos/projects; Learning new tools and techniques for video game design yet never finding enough time to complete one (but at least being able to demonstrate cool things to students); Traveling to Europe whenever possible. 

Teaching Interests

System administration, video game design/computer graphics, software engineering, web design, & Software engineering special topics (search-based software engineering coupled with cyber-physical systems)

Research Projects with Students

  1. Search-based software engineering on cyber-physical systems (investigations using Arduino/Raspberry Pi, Robot Operating System (ROS), and Unity). 
  2. Searching for Zoom privacy violations on Twitter
  3. Creating generative art via genetic improvement
  4. Developing an interactive web application to support K-12 students on experiencing their surroundings via creative cartography
  5. Developing a robotic dog for run-time software engineering research
  6. Enhancing software assurance for procedural content generation and video games

Grants and Fellowships

Michigan Space Grant Consortium – Research Seed Grant

GVSU Kindschi Fellowship

GVSU OURS Remote Undergraduate Assistant

GVSU RISE Summer Research

Google Cloud Research Program

GVSU CSCE Collaborative Research Program

Page last modified September 18, 2023