Policies & Guidelines

Process for review and approval of proposed agreements

  1. College of Computing faculty seeking approval for an international agreement must submit the New International Agreement Proposal Form following one of the available templates.
  2.  The College of Computing’s Assistant Dean will coordinate the review of the proposal submission. CoC dean, associate deans and assistant dean will meet with the faculty liaison and the Executive Director of the Padnos International Center (PIC) to discuss the interest in developing an international partnership.

  3. The College of Computing’s Assistant Dean will provide the following to the Office of Research Compliance & Integrity: institution name and address; name(s) of individuals at partner institution involved in the development of the agreement, if known.

  4. The College of Computing’s Assistant Dean will organize a meeting with the College of Computing’s Associate Deans, the faculty liaison, the international partner institution to develop an agreement for final review by the international partner, GVSU Executive Director of PIC, the GVSU Provost Office.

  5. Once the proposal is approved, the college may extend an invitation for a person at the partner institution to visit GVSU to sign the agreement or the agreement can be signed electronically by the relevant parties. If possible, a ceremony is generally held to commemorate the signing of a partnership agreement. The College of Computing’s assistant dean will coordinate the process of getting all the required signatures.

  6. Copies of the signed agreement will be sent to the Director, Office of Research Compliance and Integrity, Executive Director of the Padnos International Center, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach and the Associate Vice President for Admissions and Recruitment and Associate Vice President and University Registrar.

Page last modified September 25, 2024