SCIS Hosts International Collegiate Programming Contest
November 11, 2019
The GVSU School of Computing and Information Systems served as regional host to the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) on October 25th and 26th. The ICPC is the largest algorithmic programming contest in the world – comprised of over 50,000 students in 111 countries. Students spend both days solving real-world programming challenges similar to what they may be asked to solve in the workforce. The contest consists of ten rather hard questions; the bottom half of teams typically don’t solve any.
Grand Valley hosted over a hundred guests including contestants, alternates, and coaches comprising 23 teams. Winners from the regional contests are invited to the national and international contests. This is the tenth year that Grand Valley has hosted the event. This year the University of Michigan, Notre Dame, and Central Michigan took the top spots, with Grand Valley placing 10th out of 23. Grand Valley had three teams, contestants were Justin Johns, James Lund, Filipe Castanheira, Santiago Quiroga, Kanoa Ellis, Daniel Schroeder, Ashley Hendrickson, and Runquan Ye.
The School of CIS has created the Competitive Programming Club to assist students in preparing for the contest (if interested contact Ira Woodring at [email protected]).