Sexual Assault Response Commitment


The Grand Valley State University Police Department has adopted the following response commitment related to sexual assault and misconduct, which states:

Sexual assault and misconduct, including non-stranger sexual assault, are a very serious concern of the University and community. If you feel you are the victim of a sexual assault on campus, the Grand Valley Police Department is committed to the following:

1.  We will meet with you privately, at a place of your choice, in this area, to take a police report.

2.  We will not release your name to the public or media. Your parent or guardian will not be notified, unless you are a minor.

3.  Our officers will not prejudge you, and you will not be blamed for what occurred.

4.  We will treat you and your particular case with courtesy, sensitivity, dignity, understanding and professionalism.

5.  If you feel more comfortable talking with a female or male officer, and would like to have a friend or advocate present, we will do our best to accommodate your request.

6.  We will assist you in arranging for hospital treatment or other medical needs.

7.  With your permission, we will assist you in contacting counseling and advocacy services, in addition to other available resources that will continue to provide you with additional support throughout the investigation.

8.  Upon your request, we will fully investigate your case. You will be kept up-to-date on the progress of the investigation. Investigations are forwarded to the Prosecutor’s Office for review when you ask us to do so. Your input will be taken into consideration as to the best possible outcome.

9.  We will continue to be available to you, to answer your questions and to explain the systems and processes involved (Prosecutor’s Office, court proceedings, University investigation). 

10.  We will consider your case seriously regardless of your sex, gender identity or sexual orientation, and regardless of the sex, gender identity or sexual orientation of the suspect.

If we fail to achieve any part of the above guarantee, the Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police, Brandon DeHaan, will meet with you personally to address any problems. The Grand Valley State University Department of Public Safety wants to continue to make the GVSU campus safe for students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Page last modified December 6, 2021