Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year, Lakers!

Profile photo of Aaron Haight

Summer may be over, but there’s so much to look forward to this fall.

I invite you to check out Grand Valley’s social accounts below as well as visit the GVSU events calendar so that you don’t miss out on the events and programs that will take place throughout campus this year.

A major event this year that is certain to drive conversation, discourse and debate is the November election and the many issues that candidates at local, state and national levels will be addressing. Whatever your viewpoint, GVSU is committed to freedom of expression and respects the non-threatening voicing of opinions and ideas. Please review the university’s guidelines related to expressive activity as well as our Grounds and Facility Use Policy.

Be curious and challenged by listening to others and seeking to learn about viewpoints different from your own – our university is marketplace of ideas. Ask questions. Be respectful, even if (especially if) you disagree.

When you do disagree with another’s point of view, the answer may be to use your own voice to peacefully respond and engage the campus community through more dialog. I also encourage you to explore the more than 400 Registered Student Organizations that can help you grow and build community on campus.

Grand Valley strives to create an inclusive and equitable campus community where people are treated with dignity and respect. If anyone in the Grand Valley community feels belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on their identity, they are encouraged to utilize our Campus Climate Concern system. The university is committed to safeguarding individual’s constitutional rights to free speech and assembly, and we are also committed to addressing incidents of Campus Climate Concerns that may negatively affect individuals and/or communities at the university.

On behalf of everyone in the Division of Student Affairs and the Dean of Students Office, we are so excited you are here and look forward to the upcoming academic year. I wish you a fall semester filled with connections and belonging.

Anchor up! 

Aaron Haight, Ed.D., Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students

[email protected]

Page last modified August 16, 2024