Groundswell Stewardship Initiative

The Center for Educational Partnerships launched the Groundswell Stewardship Initiative in 2009 as one of the six geographical hubs of the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative. Groundswell's mission is to support and inspire students to care for their place by providing educators with professional learning opportunities, project funding, and partnerships. Since its creation, Groundswell has impacted over 39,350 students and reached 1,045 educators in Kent and Ottawa counties with the support of the Center for Educational Partnerships.

Student inspects a plant at the Groundswell Stewardship Initiative's Student Project Showcase
Group of Groundswell Stewardship Initiative students smiling after completing an action project in the woods
Teachers gather at river during a Groundswell Stewardship Initiative professional learning opportunity

Center for Educational Partnerships Contact:

The Groundswell Stewardship Initiative's Team

Page last modified June 28, 2024