Education Student Community
GVSU's Center for Educational Partnerships hosts programs throughout the year for future and current teachers. This includes sessions on design-thinking and environmental place-based education through the Groundswell program.
Get involved as a tutor with EQPD's virtual tutoring to serve students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. EQPD is a fulfilling tutoring opportunity for Education students to gain experience hours in their chosen grade bands.
TRIO Teacher Preparation Student Support Services

The Education programs partner closely with TRIO programs at Grand Valley State University, including the TRIO Teacher Preparation Student Support Services. TRIO TPSSS is a federally funded program designed to promote learning, personal development, and retention. TPSSS provides support to Grand Valley State University undergraduate students who are first generation, meet federal income guidelines, and are pursuing a K-12 teaching degree.
Student Organizations for Future Teachers
GVSU Aspiring Educators of Michigan
GVSU Aspiring Educators of Michigan (AEM) is a social and professional group for future teachers connected to the Michigan Education Association. GVSU's chapter plans volunteering events and monthly meetings to discuss unique educational ideas. This includes bringing in teachers, faculty from GVSU's Teacher Education programs, and other educational professionals.
Council for Exceptional Children
The Student Chapter of the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC) provides a place for all GVSU students interested in learning how to teach student with diverse learning needs. With monthly meetings, the group discusses topics pertinent to all future educators and students interested in working with children of all abilities.
Educators of Color Network
The Educators of Color Network (ECN) is a registered student organization and is committed to provide support, guidance, awareness, and connections for the GVSU pre-service community with an emphasis on those who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). ECN provides community, networking, scholarship, support/professional development opportunities, as well as financial resources, alumni advocacy, and inspiration to future educators of color.
Health and Physical Education Club
This club is for Health and Physical Education Majors and Minors to work together to become professional educators. We are on the move to promote unity among health and physical education majors and minors, advocate for physical activity in physical education, and enhance professional development opportunities.
National Science Teaching Association - Student Chapter
The Grand Valley National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Student Chapter connects science to teaching, and provides professional opportunities for students wishing to pursue careers in K-12 science education. Science education majors and minors meet, explore careers, share resources, and talk with practicing teachers.
Other GVSU Student Organizations
Visit GVSU's Office of Student Life webpage to explore additional student organizations at GVSU.