Teacher Education Info Sessions

Teacher Education Info Sessions

GVSU's Education Programs offer a series of info sessions designed to provide specific information on topics related to the undergraduate teacher education programs at GVSU. The sessions are open to anyone at GVSU: attend the sessions that interest you!

If you have questions about any of the events or ideas for other Teacher Education info sessions, please email Alex Jacobsson at jacobale@gvsu.edu.

Financial Aid for Teacher Education

Explore funding options for your Teacher Education program. In this presentation co-presented by Financial Aid and the Office of Certification and Accreditation, we will discuss:

  • options for getting a paid Teacher Internship
  • specific GVSU scholarships that are designed for future teachers
  • the current Michigan Teaching Fellowship
  • applying for financial aid and scholarships

Study Abroad for Teacher Apprenticeship and Teacher Internship

Did you know there are study abroad options for both your Teacher Apprenticeship and Teacher Internship? Come learn about the Ireland Teacher Apprenticeship experience and the COST program for Teacher Interns. This session presented by the Office of Certification and Accreditation and Dr. Sherie Klee will explore your options for teaching abroad.

What to Expect in Teacher Apprenticeship and Teacher Internship

This session will allow you to talk with the Placement Specialists for Teacher Education about how the Teacher Apprenticeship and Teacher Internship semesters are structured. You will learn about the timeline for field placements, what to expect in your Teacher Apprenticeship and Teacher Internship, and gain valuable advice from mentor teachers and alumni on how to prepare for your career in Education.

Check out the GVSU Teacher Apprenticeship and Teacher Internship Info video for information.

GVSU Teacher Apprenticeship and Teacher Internship Info

Cover Letter and Resume roundtables with GVSU Education Alumni Network

The GVSU Education Alumni Network invites you to a roundtable session led by GVSU education alumni administrators, focusing on your cover letter, resume, and interviews. This event is designed for current GVSU students to allow you to polish your resume and cover letter and network with area administrators. This event is hosted by GVSU's Center for Educational Partnerships, and any questions can be directed to (616) 331-6240.


Be a Special Education Teacher

If you are wondering what it takes to become a Special Education teacher, this info session will provide you with a chance to talk with the Special Education faculty and staff about the program. Learn about the requirements for Special Education, and how field experiences are structured. This info session is hosted by Jen DeWaard and the Office of Certification and Accreditation.

MTTC (Michigan Test for Teacher Certification) Support Session

Are you preparing to take your Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC)? Join us online with your laptop or device to follow along as we look at how to register for the MTTC, explore study materials and practice tests, and learn what to expect on the day of the test. This info session is hosted by GVSU's Certification Officer, Kym Pawelka, and the Office of Certification and Accreditation.

Page last modified March 14, 2025