Sexuality and Spirituality: An Interfaith Panel Discussion (Sex Ed Week) APPROVED INT 100/201!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Allendale Campus

Sex Ed Week at GVSU

What does it mean when we say, ‘My body is a temple’? Sexuality and spirituality both represent central components of what it means to be human and yet they are often painted as being at odds. Hear from several community leaders from a variety of religious traditions as they explore the complex and critical intersections between the two. 

*Registration is not required.

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Location Information

Kirkhof 2270

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Contact Information

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dsa int100 int201 recwell sexedweek wellness

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This event was added to the calendar by Katie Jourdan ( on Friday, February 2, 2024 and was last updated on Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 4:03 p.m.