Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E)

FF&E: University-owned physical components of a space provided for faculty, staff and/or student environments.  Purchases are made in accordance with GVSU Planning & Design Standards, established in 1996 and updated annually in collaboration with GVSU staff to ensure consistent quality, cost, health, safety and character of design.   Please contact Jim Flanders ([email protected]), Paul Nederveld ([email protected]) or Michelle Beers ([email protected]) in our department for more information or any furniture related requests.

  • The order and delivery coordination of furnishings to support optimal work and classroom environments at GVSU 
    • Single item orders for replacement of an office chair, an additional file cabinet, etc. 
    • Large quantity purchases for fully furnishing newly constructed buildings, additions or renovations 
    • Furniture switch-outs or loans from Facilities Planning “warehouse stock” to meet an unexpected need for individual item replacement 

Page last modified July 11, 2024