Academic Integrity
What strategies can help guide students towards academic integrity?
- Talk to students about the meaning of academic integrity - for you, your profession, the institution, society - and discuss the GVSU Student Code (Section 6: Conduct Process Academic Integrity) and your class policies. Clearly state the consequences of academic dishonesty and encourage students to make the right decision. Don’t assume that including a paragraph in your syllabus is sufficient. Consider having students complete an online plagiarism tutorial. Reinforce the importance of academic integrity during the semester.
- Clearly articulate expectations for assignments (can students work together?) and help students connect the work to the learning objectives of the course - instructor transparency and intentionality support student motivation - students are more likely to cheat when they consider assignments as “busy work”
- Don’t assume good habits of writing, research, citations - provide guidance, resources, tutorials - ask students about their needs, concerns, prior experiences - discuss your own research processes, challenges, strategies
- University Libraries Research and Writing Consultants
- One-on-One Library Consultation
- Citing Sources: Tools and Generators LibGuide
- Find alternate ways to demonstrate learning other than exams and papers - podcast, blog, video commentary - give students choices - a sense of control over their learning fosters motivation
- Ground assignments in a detailed path of inquiry - linking multiple assignments, scaffolding, process writing
- Keep things fresh - change assignments across semesters or sections
- Collaborative work - write in pairs or incorporate peer ideas - are you the sole audience for student work?
- Require multiple meaningful assessment activities throughout the semester
- give students early success opportunities - promotes self-efficacy
- require application of knowledge to new situations
- use brief writing assignments or quizlets at the edges of the class period
- ask questions using higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy in Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective domains
- Follow through when academic dishonesty is discovered: consequences and teachable moments
- Build trusting, supportive relationships with your students. Clearly communicate that you care about their learning. Direct feedback to effort and achievement. Teach students how to be successful.
Michael, T. B., & Williams, M. A. (2011, April). Student equity: Discouraging cheating in online courses. Administrative Issues: Journal: Education, Practice and Research, 3.
Minarcik, J., & Bridges, A. J. (2015). Psychology graduate students weigh in: Qualitative analysis of academic dishonesty and suggestion prevention strategies. Journal of Academic Ethics, 13(2), 197-216.
Leonard, M., Schwieder, D., Buhler, A., Bennett, D. B., & Royster, M. (2015). Perceptions of Plagiarism by STEM Graduate Students: A Case Study. Science and engineering ethics, 21(6), 1587-1608.
Wong, S. S. H., Lim, S. W. H., & Quinlan, K. M. (2016). Integrity in and Beyond Contemporary Higher Education: What Does it Mean to University Students? Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1094.
Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty, James Lang, 2013
Plagiarism, the Internet and Student Learning: Improving Academic Integrity, Wendy Sutherland-Smith, 2008
Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College, 2nd Edition, Barbara Walvoord & Virginia Anderson, 2009
The Plagiarism Spectrum: Tagging Ten Types of Original Work
- An infographic with helpful terminology to help guide a conversation with students about academic integrity
Best Practices Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity in Online Education
- A list of best practices gathered by experts and practitioners with ideas for assignments, assessments, and student support.
Best Practices for Preventing Plagiarism, Webster University
- Practical suggestions that focus on designing course materials that emphasize academic integrity
Writing Across the Curriculum at UW-Madison
- Crafting robust writing assignments and other pedagogical strategies for any courses that involve writing
Tips to Reduce the Impact of Cheating in Online Assessment
- A blog post with tips for maintaining academic integrity of online testing and homework assignments
Detecting and Preventing Cheating During Exams
- A chapter from a volume of essays, Pedagogy, not Policing: Positive Approaches to Academic Integrity at the University from Syracuse University chock full of excellent suggestions