Strong Start Teaching Institute Continuing Series: Workshop #3: Rejuvenating Your Syllabus (with live student feedback!)
Reminder: you have registered for one of the following FTLC Workshops:
Tuesday, March 25th 10:00-11:30am (3068 Zumberge Hall) OR
Thursday, March 27th 10:00-11:30am (411 Eberhard Hall)
As a required instrument for documenting key policies and procedures, a course syllabus is essential in creating a strong framework to help instructors summarize course information, outline the course curriculum, and communicate expectations for students. However, this content often focuses on the instructor’s own agenda, rather than student engagement. In this workshop participants will revise their syllabus, with the help of GVSU undergraduate students, to better promote inclusivity and a sense of belonging for their students. Specifically, participants will learn strategies for promoting feelings of student belonging and receive feedback from students, as well as provide peer-to-peer feedback on their written syllabi.
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