Learning Community Application


  • Amount: Funding will cover the cost of books, materials, other resources, and light refreshments at the meetings.
  • Purpose: For faculty and staff interested in joining a Learning Community focused on a topic of significance to faculty.
  • Eligibility: All faculty (tenure track, tenured, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct). (NOTE: GVSU staff may participate with supervisor approval.)
  • Application Timing: Applications will be accepted up to a week into the semester in which the LC will begin or until groups are full.

Learning Community Application

Learning Communities support faculty and staff in engaging in an active, collaborative conversation and curriculum focused on a teaching and learning related topic of special interest or significance.  Learning Community participants meet regularly throughout the semester and work together to apply the knowledge gained.

  • All faculty (tenure track, tenured, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct).  (Note: GVSU staff may participate with supervisor approval.)
  • Apply online by completing an application on the FTLC Grants System.
  • Apply by selecting "LC Application" from the dropdown menu in the FTLC Grant System.
  • Once you have completed your application and it has been approved by the Pew FTLC, you will be contacted by the facilitator of the Learning Community with additional details about the community.

Each Learning Community applicant will be responsible for submitting a Final Report (brief reflection) via the online system within 30 days of the final meeting. The Pew FTLC will send out an automatic reminder e-mail for your convenience.  The Final Report will ask for you to summarize the following (500 word limit): 

  • What tools, skills, knowledge and/or professional connections did you gain by attending the Learning Community?
  • How have you/will you continue to implement what you have learned into the classroom?

To submit a Final Report, click on "Final Report" under "Application Details" within the FTLC Grant System.

Please note: We read these reports with great interest and use them:

  • To verify that our investment in you had an impact on our students' learning and on your professional development
  • To glean ideas for new FTLC endeavors which can benefit more students and faculty
  • To improve our processes and outcomes

Note: Faculty who are interested in facilitating a Learning Community are invited to contact the Pew FTLC at pewftlc@gvsu.edu or (616) 331-3498 prior to the semester of proposed activity.

Page last modified December 18, 2024