Upcoming Events

Spring 2025 Personnel Portfolio Workshop (Virtual)--April 28 - May 30)

Date and Time

Monday, April 28, 2025 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Virtual/Online with Zoom


This is the FIRST meeting of the Personnel Portfolio Workshop. Subsequent meetings are on May 5, May 12, May 19, and May 27. Registrants are expected to attend ALL Meetings.

Would you like to carve out time to authentically reflect on the important work you do, the areas in which you would like to grow, the valuable peer and student feedback you have received, and how you would like to focus your professional energy going forward?   

Join us for a multi-week virtual workshop designed to support faculty members preparing for a contract renewal, tenure/promotion, or promotion to full personnel action in 2025-26 AY.  Through large group meetings and optional small group and individual meetings with expert faculty mentors, participants will be encouraged to compose their Personal/Reflective Statement and gather supporting materials for their portfolio in accordance with their college and unit personnel policies.  

The workshop format is as follows:

  • Monday - Virtual Large Group Meetings (4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, *5/27), 1-3pm
  • Mid-Week - Virtual or In-Person Individual Meetings with Assigned Mentor, Time TBD
  • End-of-Week - Virtual or In-Person Small Group Meetings with Colleagues and Mentor, Time TBD

NEW THIS YEAR , we are offering two levels (see below) of engagement in the workshop.  Please indicate your interest when you register.

LEVEL ONE is for faculty who would like feedback on their writing from a small group of colleagues and an individual faculty mentor in addition to attending weekly large group meetings.  We have limited availability for Level One.  Please hold off on registering for Level One if you do not have an action in 2025-26 AY or if you have already taken the workshop in the last two years.  We would like to maximize availability for faculty with more immediate needs and we have limited capacity.  Please consider adding yourself to the wait list in the event of a participant cancellation or the addition of another faculty mentor.  Participants are expected to:

  • Devote 4 hours every week for meetings with the large group, small group, and assigned mentor (TBD).
  • Review resource materials.
  • Set aside 5-6 hours per week to compose and submit drafts for feedback, offer peer feedback to a small group of colleagues, and compile evidence for your portfolio, likely culminating in a complete working draft of the Personal/Reflective Statement by the end of the workshop.

LEVEL TWO is for faculty who would like to attend only the large group meetings in which they may receive general guidance on portfolio construction, including reflection exercises to help generate and organize ideas.  Level two participants will not meet with a small group or individual mentor.  Anyone is welcome to register for Level Two.  Participants are expected to:

  • Devote 2 hours every week to actively participate in large group meetings.  

For more information, please contact Kathryn Stieler (stielerk@gvsu.edu).  



For more information, please visit: Personnel Portfolio Workshops


Kathryn Stieler

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Page last modified March 11, 2025