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Foundational Course Workshop: Building Asset-Based Approaches and Fostering a Sense of Belonging

Foundational Course Workshop: Building Asset-Based Approaches and Fostering a Sense of Belonging

Date and Time

Monday, August 19, 2024 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


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102 Lake Huron Hall, Allendale Campus 


Foundational Course Workshop: Building Asset-Based Approaches and Fostering a Sense of Belonging

Monday, August 19th
2 – 4 pm 
4 – 5pm – optional one-on-one consultations 
102 Lake Huron Hall, Allendale Campus 

This session is designed especially for instructors of foundational (100- and 200-level) undergraduate courses. In preparation for the coming academic year, join us for an interactive program that addresses: 

  • Taking an asset-based approach in working with our newest students 
  • Connecting students to appropriate student support resources 
  • Rejuvenating your syllabus to better promote inclusivity and a sense of belonging for their students. Specifically, participants will learn strategies for promoting feelings of student belonging and provide peer-to-peer feedback on their written syllabi.

This session is part of the Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Strong Start Initiative focused on the success of first-year students at GVSU. Session facilitators will be Dr. Jessica Jennrich, Office of Student Support and Belonging, Dr. Maggie Goss, Pew FTLC and Dr. Christine Rener, Pew FTLC. 

Please bring a laptop or tablet, if possible, and either electronic or paper copies of a syllabus that you would like to workshop during the session. The 4 – 5pm portion of the workshop is optional and reserved for one-one-one consultations. 



Christine Rener, [email protected] 

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Page last modified August 6, 2024